
Projects identified in UNESCO sites

Micro solar power station in Sundarbans biosphere reserve

WWF-India helps far flung villages access grid quality power. Access to safe, clean energy is fundamental to poverty eradication, to stopping deforestation, and to stopping climate change. Most poor people and inhabitants of remote locations meet the majority of their energy needs by collecting biomass (fuel wood,

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Africa’s largest solar pump in Arganeraie Biosphere Reserve

Solar pump system in Taroudant. AE Photonics Maroc has set up Africa’s largest solar pump to date in the southern Moroccan town of Taroudant, 170 km from Agadir. Pump PS21k made by Lorentz is run by 84 LDK 220 W/poly modules, and transports 308 m³ of water

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Welgevonden Lodge

Green lodges in the heart of the Waterberg Biosphere Reserve The Welgevonden Private Game Reserve is a 37000 ha, privately owned game reserve in the heart of the Waterberg. It forms part of the Waterberg Biosphere Reserve which was officially declared by UNESCO in 2001 – currently

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Solar PV mini-grids for Small Islands

The case of Apolima Island (Samoa), included in World Heritage Tentative List. Solar photovoltaic (PV) powered mini-grid systems have been under consideration for use in the Pacific Island countries for some time. Until recently, however, such systems were deemed to have limited potential. With recent improvement in inverter

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Blenheim Palace goes to renewable energy

World Heritage site adds hydropower to become one of Britain’s ‘greenest palaces’. The stately home, a World Heritage Site, will install the “Archimedean screw” design of hydropower with renewables firm Hallidays Hydropower. Fitted on the River Glyme, at Bladon Dam, the technology will be within landscape designed

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Luz para Todos (Light for All) Initiative

Solar Rural Electrification Prior to the Luz Para Todos (“Light for All”) initiative, a significant percentage of the Brazilian population lacked access to electricity. The program shows what can be accomplished with strong leadership and vision. The scope of the program is the whole country but has a

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Sustainable Energy Action Plan for Warsaw in the perspective of 2020

The Warsaw way to climate protection. The City of Warsaw, aspiring to become the “green metropolis”, sets itself a prospective goal of ensuring a high standard of living for its residents in conditions of sustainable development and respect for the natural environment. Like other cities in our

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Lady Elliot Eco Island Resort

Solar Diesel Hybrid Power Station Out on the frontier of the Great Barrier Reef, World Heritage site, exists a coral cay island ‘Lady Elliot’ where the coral reef is alive and teaming with life, where hands-on adventure and exploration are keys to this Australian holiday experience in

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Low Island gets low on carbon

Low Island in Great Barrier Reef World Heritage, the first island to be powered by renewable energies. The GBRMPA’s Commonwealth Islands Program helped the island deliver on the triple bottom line through: solar panels: the island moved from 100% fossil fuel supply to 97% renewable supply,through solar

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Renewable Energy on Lord Howe Island

Lord Howe World Heritage launches the Renewable energy roadmap. Lord Howe Island has developed a Sustainable Energy Strategy to reduce the islands reliance on fossil fuels for electricity generation. The Lord Howe Island Board has formed a Community Sustainable Energy Working Group (SEWG) to assist to guide

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Dr Osman Benchikh *. Programme Specialist in Charge of Energy and Renewable Energy. Coordinator of RENFORUS project.
E-mail: o.benchikh(at)
Cipriano Marín **. Assistant for RENFORUS project implementation.
E-mail: c.marin(at)
Addresses: * UNESCO. 1, Rue Miollis. 75015 Paris – France
** Avda. Islas Canarias, 35 - 38007, S/C de Tenerife - Spain