© ERGAL. Renewable Energy for Galapagos.
The large number of UNESCO Sites around the world makes it possible to build and share a comprehensive knowledge base on good practises and policies on the use of environmentally sound energy technologies and their adaptation to specific contexts and needs.
During 2013 the RENFORUS Initiative will prepare and make available a catalogue of reference good practices related to UNESCO sites. The first Status Report of renewable energies in UNESCO sites will include the identification of good practices, the selection of priority-sites and the opportunities to replicate successful experiences.
A RENFORUS good practice is not only a sustainable energy practice that is good, but also a practice that has been proven to work well and produce good results, and is therefore recommended as a model. It is a successful experience, which has been tested and validated, in the broad sense and deserves to be shared so that other UNESCO sites can adopt it.
The RENFORUS Good Practices are relevant examples of initiatives which the communities living in UNESCO sites have realised in their territories, feel particularly proud of, and endorse as useful actions for other sites to replicate. As a whole, they represent the commitment of UNESCO sites to improve energy efficiency, reduce emissions of gases and using renewable energy sources in a local level. |