The Warsaw way to climate protection.
The City of Warsaw, aspiring to become the “green metropolis”, sets itself a prospective goal of ensuring a high standard of living for its residents in conditions of sustainable development and respect for the natural environment. Like other cities in our region we approach issues related to climate protection with care because we are aware of the risks coming from the negative effects of progressive climate changes stimulated by civilization development.
In February 2009 Warsaw joined the “Covenant of Mayors”, initiative under the patronage of the European Commission, associating European local governments acting to limit climate changes. Following signing the “Covenant of Mayors”, on September 8th 2011 Warsaw City Council adopted a Sustainable Energy Action Plan for Warsaw in the perspective of 2020. It is first document of this magnitude that presents an integrated approach to energy management at the level of Warsaw local government.
Implementation of the Action Plan shall bring direct and tangible benefits for Warsaw residents. The pursuit to reduce solid pollutants and GHG emissions will improve air quality, greater attention to efficient and rational use of energy will reduce household bills for energy, while strengthening preferences for public transport will be an impulse for developments, which in consequence will allow Warsaw residents to use public transport more comfortably.
As a result of implementation of the Sustainable Energy Action Plan for Warsaw in the perspective of 2020, Warsaw has the opportunity to become national leader in the implementation of sustainable energy policy programme for reduction of energy consumption, creation of pro-environmental transportation system
and development of renewable energy generation in urban areas.
The Old Town (destroyed during World War II and rebuilt so accurately that it was inscribed to the UNESCO World Heritage List). The city is surrounded by a belt of forests, including the Kampinos National Park, where a UNESCO biosphere reserve has been established.
SEAP Warsaw - Warsaw Energy - Use Sensibly!
More information: The Warsaw way to climate protection / Hanna Gronkiewicz-Waltz, Mayor, City of Warsaw, Poland