World Heritage site adds hydropower to become one of Britain’s ‘greenest palaces’. The stately home, a World Heritage Site, will install the “Archimedean screw” design of hydropower with renewables firm Hallidays Hydropower. Fitted on the River Glyme, at Bladon Dam, the technology will be within landscape designed
Read more →The Warsaw way to climate protection. The City of Warsaw, aspiring to become the “green metropolis”, sets itself a prospective goal of ensuring a high standard of living for its residents in conditions of sustainable development and respect for the natural environment. Like other cities in our
Read more →Solar Diesel Hybrid Power Station Out on the frontier of the Great Barrier Reef, World Heritage site, exists a coral cay island ‘Lady Elliot’ where the coral reef is alive and teaming with life, where hands-on adventure and exploration are keys to this Australian holiday experience in
Read more →Low Island in Great Barrier Reef World Heritage, the first island to be powered by renewable energies. The GBRMPA’s Commonwealth Islands Program helped the island deliver on the triple bottom line through: solar panels: the island moved from 100% fossil fuel supply to 97% renewable supply,through solar
Read more →Lord Howe World Heritage launches the Renewable energy roadmap. Lord Howe Island has developed a Sustainable Energy Strategy to reduce the islands reliance on fossil fuels for electricity generation. The Lord Howe Island Board has formed a Community Sustainable Energy Working Group (SEWG) to assist to guide
Read more →Reconciliation of Energy Production and Cultural Heritage Protection. Golija-Studenica Biosphere Reserve is situated in south western Serbia and belongs to the inner zone of the Dinaric mountain system. The biosphere reserve includes the Studenica Monastery, which is a cultural World Heritage site and a popular tourist attraction.
Read more →Sustainable woodfuel improves rural livelihoods in Niokolo-Koba biosphere reserve – World Heritage site. The objective of the Sustainable and Participatory Energy Management Project is to meet an important part of the rapidly growing urban demand for household fuels, without the loss of forest cover and the ecosystem’s carbon
Read more →Integrated Energy System: geothermal and waste energy sources. Ferrara is situated in the north of Italy. It covers an area of 404 km2 with a population of 134,000. The town was listed as a Unesco world heritage in 1995. The land is flat and the town centre
Read more →Solarizing Borobudur project. The Borobudur temple is the world’s largest Buddhist monument and a UNESCO World Heritage Site. The surrounding park is set to showcase Indonesia’s renewable energy potential, with the installation of solar-powered park lights. The project, ‘Solarising Borobodur’ is initiated by Greenpeace, with the Borobudur
Read more →Reducing emissions and preserving historical buildings at the world heritage site. Visby is a world heritage town. Gotland limestone features prominently in its buildings and ruins. Some of its oldest buildings also have beautifully carved portals and friezes in Gotland sandstone. Both these stones are sensitive to
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