Castellet (Barcelona, Spain) November 14-15, 2013.
This first workshop, aimed at defining the new strategy in favour of renewable energy in the 45 biosphere reserves that make up the Spanish network, is organized by the Autonomous Authority for National Parks (OAPN), the Abertis Foundation, and the Spanish Network of Biosphere Reserves, with the collaboration of RENFORUS Initiative.
This meeting seeks to mobilize Spanish biosphere reserves as places of excellence for learning and searching solutions based on renewable energy sources and on the commitment to efficient use of energy.
The workshop will also address issues such as the Covenant of Mayors of the European Commission and the Sustainable Energy for All Initiative of United Nations.
Addressed to:
- Managers and main actors of biosphere reserves.
- Authorities and local administrations in the BRs.
- Local actors related to energy management in biosphere reserves.
- Renewable energy industry.
- Related Scientific and technological institutions.
- Associations and NGOs related to conservation, sustainable development, and renewable energy of significance to the BRs.
Contents of sessions and round tables:
- The UNESCO-RENFORUS Initiative: Renewable Energy Futures for UNESCO Sites.
- Sustainable Energy Governance in Biosphere Reserves.
- Towards 100% RES.
- Renewable energy in BR’s planning: current state.
- Economic and social benefits of renewables and efficient use of energy: a sensible response to the crisis.
- Intelligent integration of renewables in the territory: how to make the role of conservation compatible with development and innovation.
- Rural electrification and renewable energy.
- The water-energy binomial: good practices in the International Year of Water Cooperation.
- Sustainable Tourism as driver of RES.