
Implementing sustainable energy projects (SEPs) in Blekinge Archipelago BR

ENNEREG Regions: paving the way for a Sustainable Energy Europe.

blekinge2The SEP activities in the region of Blekinge were so far focused on four topics, i.e. “energy efficient buildings”, “sustainable transport”, “renewable energies” and “energy services and financing”. In total, six SEPs were promoted. The focus of SEP activities was laid on the renewable energy topic with three projects. In the other three topics, one SEP was promoted.

The focus of the SEP in the topic “energy buildings” was the construction of an energy efficient building with energy consumption 50% lower than the existing building code. The excellent energy performance of the building is achieved with passive house technology. The multifamily house was built with massive wood construction in 8 storeys. The total investment was very large with 112.00 kEuro. This SEP is the reason for the large share of the Region of Blekinge in the PI “Cumulative investments made by stakeholders”, with this project contributing to the total ENNEREG investments by more than 45%.

The sustainable transport SEP focused on the project subcategory of improving mobility management by increasing the bicycle modal share of commuting trips. The project titled ‘Sydost Trampar’ is a bicycle competition for working places. Organized by Energiekontor Sydost, bicycle teams compete with each other in their every day trip to work. The SEP is to motivate and stimulate cycling instead of using the car for commuting to work. The idea of the project originally comes from the Denmark and was adapted with good results in the region of Scania in Sweden in 2008. The Energy Agency for Southeast Sweden implemented it for the first time in 2010.

The renewable energy projects of Blekinge focus on wind and smaller building-integrated PV installations. The most effective SEP in terms of the installed renewable capacity and the CO2 emissions reductions is the small wind farm Säby, including the installation of four wind turbines with a total installed a capacity 3,2 MW.

A very interesting SEP was also promoted in the topic “energy services and financing”. This project is the construction of a new district heating system, financed and operated by a community-based energy association. This SEP implemented in Södra ljunga, involved the installation of one wood chip boiler with 300 kW and one pellets boiler with 250 kW. The distribution network consists of 1100 m of pipes. The project is implemented by a local initiative of 4 farmers. The wood chips used for operating the system are available locally. In comparison with oil, heating costs were reduced by 50%.

More information: ENNEREG Pioneer Region Blekinge, Sweden

Regions 202020

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Dr Osman Benchikh *. Programme Specialist in Charge of Energy and Renewable Energy. Coordinator of RENFORUS project.
E-mail: o.benchikh(at)
Cipriano Marín **. Assistant for RENFORUS project implementation.
E-mail: c.marin(at)
Addresses: * UNESCO. 1, Rue Miollis. 75015 Paris – France
** Avda. Islas Canarias, 35 - 38007, S/C de Tenerife - Spain