A climate smart city in Blekinge Archipelago biosphere reserve.
A Sustainable Energy Action Plan (SEAP) is the key document in which the Covenant signatory outlines how it intends to reach its CO2 reduction target by 2020. It defines the activities and measures set up to achieve the targets, together with time frames and assigned responsibilities. Covenant signatories are free to choose the format of their SEAP, as long as it is in line with the general principles set out in the Covenant SEAP guidelines.
Overall CO2 emission reduction target: 50%
Karlskrona becomes climate smart
To make Karlskrona climate smart is a complex process which works inwards in the city council and outwards. For this work, the Executive Board of Karlskrona has a parliamentary group for projects that work with climate and energy questions. The goal is to be independent of oil for heating, to make buildings more energy efficient and to change the transports for better sustainability. You will make this through setting clear environmental goals, in an energy plan and influence the procurement and putting demands on “green food” for old people’s homes and schools.
Less dependence of oil and a change to renewable energy sources take place through further expanding the district heating and the awareness rising. To make buildings more energy efficient Karlskrona works with different projects and partners, e.g. “Energy Trophy” and the National Environmental Protection Boards “KLIMP”.
Karlskrona is trying a new concept to make the city as free of cars as possible changing car parks into recreational areas. The municipality cooperates also with Region Blekinge to achieve the climate goals i.e. to decrease the green house effects.
A sustainable municipality is the next challenge. In cooperation with the Swedish authority for Energy Karlskrona will run a program where the change over in energy is the key factor. The development work is done in cooperation with the Swedish Authority for Energy, other municipalities and the Blekinge Institute of Technology with the Back casting model as the starting point.
Source: UBC Commission on Environment Good Practice Database
Related actions: Blekinge ENNEREG Pioneer Region Regions 202020
Karlskrona Covenant of Mayors