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Cala de Tacorón

Cala-de-TacornLa CALA DE TACORÓN (The Tacoron Cove) affords a privileged view of the Ladera de El Júlan that covers the incline formed by the rifting away of the SW flank of the volcanic edifice of El Golfo-Las Playas some 200,000 years ago that resulted in some 130 km3 of rock being dragged down into the sea. Nearby, a small “basaltic lava delta” is of note. This was produced when basaltic lava from the southern rift plunged down into the sea less than 20,000 years ago. We can also see the Montaña de los Cardillos, next to the delta. This is a reddish-orange cone produced as the result of the accumulation of magma and rocks from previous volcanic eruptions. The feed conduit of the volcano is particularly visible.

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