Archive for the ‘’ Category

The new gold rush destroys 1,300 km2 of jungle in South America

The new gold rush destroys 1,300 km2 of jungle in South America

Gold mining has devastated 1,300 square kilometers of jungle since the beginning of the economic crisis in 2007, has just calculated the Puerto Rican scientist with satellite images. It is an area equivalent to more than twice the city of Madrid. The study, published today in [...]

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Teyde participa en la jornada de estabilidad de taludes y laderas en medios volcánicos insulares

Teyde participa en la jornada de estabilidad de taludes y laderas en medios volcánicos insulares

The research group INGENIA (Geological Engineering Innovation and Waters) of the University of La Laguna, the Colegio de Ingenieros de Montes and the Vice-Ministry of Infrastructures and Planning of the Government of the Canary Islands, celebrated on 26 November the Day of stability of slopes and slopes in […]

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MINERES: ICT Platform for Mining Sustainability

MINERES: ICT Platform for Mining Sustainability

The mining of the future is not only about the way in which it is produced, but also about how companies organize, save energy and make decisions and use the opportunities that come from information and communication technologies. MINERES is a [...]

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Nespresso to invest 414 million euros in sustainability

Nespresso to invest 414 million euros in sustainability

Nespresso has announced a new sustainability strategy up to 2020, with an investment of 500 million Swiss francs (414 million euros), to improve farmers' welfare and promote environmental sustainability in the supply and consumption of coffee The […]

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Hot houses against the Andean cold

Hot houses against the Andean cold

A project for the technological improvement of homes at almost 4,000 meters high in Peru manages to raise the temperature of homes by 12 degrees. This system consists of an enclosure adjacent to the house that has a wall exposed to the sun. The holes specifically placed in [...]

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Conference "Boosting sustainable development from high biodiversity".

Conference "Boosting sustainable development from high biodiversity".

This week we participated in the conference "Boosting sustainable development from high biodiversity", which is part of the project of the VII framework program Netbiome CSA. Its objective is to study the possibilities of development of green and blue economies in areas with high ecological value as reserves of [...]

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Discover all our solutions and projects.

Discover all our solutions and projects.

We have created a new portfolio, from it you can directly access all our products and projects in the areas of sustainable tourism, management of protected natural spaces, sustainable mining ... We have hung in Issuu all commercial presentations of our products, in them you will see Detail the [...]

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Peru celebrates gold and silver symposium turned into regional mining power

Peru celebrates gold and silver symposium turned into regional mining power

Lima, May 20 (EFE) .- Peru today inaugurated the 11th International Symposium on Gold and Silver, highlighting its position at the forefront in the production of minerals in the region and with the announcement of a portfolio of projects for 60,000 million dollars . Quote, […]

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Presentation Ecotourism in Seminar "Ecotourism Club in Spain"

Presentation Ecotourism in Seminar "Ecotourism Club in Spain"

From April 1 to 3, the CENEAM in Valsain (Segovia) held the main objective of working with the ecotourism sector and with the ACs to harmonize the requirements of nature tourism clubs to promote their Integration into [...]

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A 1999 study predicted the landslide in Washington

A 1999 study predicted the landslide in Washington

Rescue teams continue work in the rural town of Oso, in Snohomish County, Washington. More than a hundred people are listed as missing a few days after landslides in the area caused by torrential rains. According to the latest data, [...]

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