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Photo Gallery 2030

Renewable energies and Smart Grid Test-Bed Jeju was designated a Biosphere Reserve in 2002, Most residents in the area currently rely on dirty and 2007 News Archives 2010. Jeju has now become a ‘treasure island of environmental assets’ that the world has to preserve. The sunny and windy climate


ERGAL project

Zero fossil fuels on the Galapagos Islands Situated in the Pacific Ocean some 1,000 km from the South American continent, these 19 islands and the surrounding marine reserve have been called a unique ‘living museum and showcase of evolution’. The Galapagos Islands, officially called Archipiélago de Colón,


Photo Gallery – A Model of Sustainability

An island powered by the Sun Low Isles is a coral cay located 15 Photo Gallery. The Low Isles is surrounded by Marine National Park Zone (Natural Resources Canada). Low


Эль Йерро биосферный заповедник

Photo Gallery 100% Renewable Energy Island The island of El Hierro, nicknamed the “Meridian Island”, has a population of 11,030 inhabitants and an area of 269 км2. It was declared a biosphere reserve in 2000. It is the smallest island of the Canary archipelago and a sustainability


Grosses Walsertal

К 100% power from renewable energy sources and Energy Region Six villages within a single alpine valley form the Grosses Walsertal Biosphere Reserve, situated in the western part of Austria. The valley is a prime example of a living cultural landscape, where, since its occupation by the


Aldabra Atoll

Photo Gallery. The atoll comprises four large coral islands which enclose a shallow lagoon; the group of islands itself is surrounded by a coral reef.


NABU’s Climate and Forest Project

Forest preservation through wood-saving stoves Kafa is the birthplace of wild coffee, Coffea arabica, where it has been consumed for more than 1,000 лет. There are now close to 5,000 wild varieties of coffee in this biodiversity hotspot. A unique coffee culture is deeply ingrained in the


Natural Resources Canada

Green energies to preserve a World Heritage site Virunga National Park is located at the heart of the conflict, и по обе стороны границы посредники ДРК, Руанда и Уганда. Домой к некоторым из последних оставшихся в мире горных горилл,это Африка первый национальный парк, a World Heritage


Photo Gallery

Photo Gallery 1995, the Ifugao Rice Terraces of the Philippine Cordilleras were inscribed in the World Heritage List. For 2,000 лет, the high rice fields of the Ifugao have followed the contours of the mountains. The fruit of knowledge handed down from one generation


The Hanseatic Town of Visby

Bio-fuelled district heating A former Viking site on the island of Gotland, Visby was the main centre of the Hanseatic League in the Baltic from the 12th to the 14th century. Its 13th-century ramparts and more than 200 warehouses and wealthy merchants’ dwellings from the same period

COP21 2 Climate change is a complex issue which.. 41234

RENFORUS Интерактивная карта


Осман Benchikh *. Программный специалист по вопросам энергетики и возобновляемых источников энергии. Координатор проекта RENFORUS.
Электронная почта: o.benchikh(в)unesco.org
Cipriano Марин **. Помощник для реализации проекта RENFORUS.
Электронная почта: c.marin(в)unescocan.org
Адреса: * ЮНЕСКО. 1, Rue Miollis. 75015 Paris – France
** Avda. Канарские острова, 35 - 38007, S / C Тенерифе - Испания