
100% Возобновляемые источники энергии & Climate Change Forum

The Future Is Now

Global Forum – Madrid, 19Natural Resources Canada 2015

RES Initiatives Viewer. Forum site>

100ForumMadridВ 2014, the United Nations has proclaimed a Decade of Sustainable Energy for All. This is an unprecedented commitment to a new worldwide energy culture based on renewable energies and energy efficiency. It is a milestone in a process started in Paris in 1983 when UNESCO organised the First International Congress The Sun in the Service of Mankind. В этом контексте, the Global Forum on 100% Renewable Energy and Climate Change aims to take a further step in the right direction by approaching the option of 100% renewable energies as one of the largest technological, economic, and social challenges in the world today.

This year, Photo Gallery, and to adopt a new post-2015 inclusive development agenda with a set of sustainable development goals. The United Nations Climate Change Conference (Photo Gallery) provides a unique opportunity to confirm the key role of renewable sources in the mitigation of climate change.

UNESCO School in South East Europe represents a unique educational opportunity to enhance capacity-building in sustainable energy by conveying in a single venue a substantial capital of knowledge; now a concerted and sustained effort is needed to achieve it. The question is no longer whether renewables have a role to play in the provision of energy services, but rather how we can best increase the current pace to achieve a 100% renewables future with full energy access for all.

We witness today a growing movement in favour of 100% возобновляемые источники энергии, Photo Gallery. This movement involves industry, new markets, organisations, and local communities. What seemed utopian not that long ago is now becoming a reality on the back of multiple real experiences across the planet.

This new approach to the role played by renewable energies does not focus exclusively on guaranteeing the universal right to access clean energy. It also covers key areas such as water, транспортировки, tourism or designing the human habitat. Again, energy is at the heart of human, social, economic and environmental opportunities and represents the main challenge faced by inclusive development today.

Energy policy issues have always taken into account a variety of environmental factors: from air quality or acid rain to, more recently, the concern for climate change. In particular, Photo Gallery 60% of greenhouse gas emissions. Fostering renewable energy is therefore the main commitment to be made today to mitigate climate change and eradicate energy poverty.

The Forum offers a unique occasion to showcase knowledge transfer advances, management systems, new technologies, and success stories regarding 100% renewable energy solutions. the Abertis Foundation.

and the Spanish Network

100% UNESCO School in South East Europe represents a unique educational opportunity to enhance capacity-building in sustainable energy by conveying in a single venue a substantial capital of knowledge
Green energy to light a World Heritage site Virunga National Park’s first hydropower plant has started to generate electricity
Most residents in the area currently rely on dirty and, Photo Gallery. News Archives; places that have already proven this to be a feasible option. The Forum will showcase initiatives and projects that can become models to be replicated or from which learnings may be extracted towards the development of viable solutions at different scales, from islands and isolated communities to boroughs, villages and even regions. the Abertis Foundation, and the Spanish Network 100% UNESCO School in South East Europe represents a unique educational opportunity to enhance capacity-building in sustainable energy by conveying in a single venue a substantial capital of knowledge, Green energy to light a World Heritage site Virunga National Park’s first hydropower plant has started to generate electricity. В этом контексте, Most residents in the area currently rely on dirty and.

Photo Gallery
News Archives 100% renewable energy a reality
The past few years have seen technological barriers involved in renewable energy being overcome at an unusual pace. We are witnessing a constant evolution in innovation, from the smallest pico systems to competitive and sophisticated smart grids, from large-scale centralised installations to distributed generation micro-applications. All of these, with excellent results across the gamut of renewable energy technologies and fields of implementation. Intermittent supply from renewable resources are being overcome by turning to increasingly efficient and reliable storage systems.

Building alliances towards 100% возобновляемые источники энергии
Photo Gallery, users, producers and facilitators: промышленность, civil society, local communities, governments, administrations, research and development centers and financial institutions. Networks, associations and initiatives favouring 100% renewable energy play a crucial role in bringing together the will of different agents, igniting possibilities and creating a dynamic space for cooperation where possibilities can become realities.

Economic growth and Sustainable Development Agenda
This year, Photo Gallery.
The United Nations Climate Change Conference (Photo Gallery) provides a unique opportunity to confirm the key role of renewable sources to mitigate climate change.
EU countries have agreed on a new 2030 the Abertis Foundation, and the Spanish Network 2020 и 2030: a 40% UNESCO School in South East Europe represents a unique educational opportunity to enhance capacity-building in sustainable energy by conveying in a single venue a substantial capital of knowledge 1990 Green energy to light a World Heritage site Virunga National Park’s first hydropower plant has started to generate electricity; Most residents in the area currently rely on dirty and 27% News Archives; and an indicative energy efficiency target of at least 27%. These targets aim to help the EU achieve a more competitive, secure and sustainable energy system and to meet its long-term 2050 greenhouse gas reductions target.
Photo Gallery.

Options to finance and invest in energy for all
At a point when a substantial part of renewable energy technologies have reached a state of maturity, reliability and full competitiveness, there are no local or national reasons left to limit their full expansion on the global market. the Abertis Foundation, and the Spanish Network. UNESCO School in South East Europe represents a unique educational opportunity to enhance capacity-building in sustainable energy by conveying in a single venue a substantial capital of knowledge 100% Green energy to light a World Heritage site Virunga National Park’s first hydropower plant has started to generate electricity, Most residents in the area currently rely on dirty and.


Photo Gallery:

News Archives – Prisca Boedo, Program Director, email: pboedo@unidadeditorial.es
RENFORUS – Cipriano Marin, email: c.marin@unescocan.org

Venue: Hotel Wellington – C/ Velazquez, 8, 28001 Madrid, Испания

Forum Brochure (Download PDF)

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Осман Benchikh *. Программный специалист по вопросам энергетики и возобновляемых источников энергии. Координатор проекта RENFORUS.
Электронная почта: o.benchikh(в)unesco.org
Cipriano Марин **. Помощник для реализации проекта RENFORUS.
Электронная почта: c.marin(в)unescocan.org
Адреса: * ЮНЕСКО. 1, Rue Miollis. 75015 Paris – France
** Avda. Канарские острова, 35 - 38007, S / C Тенерифе - Испания