

100% Возобновляемые источники энергии & Climate Change Forum

Photo Gallery – Madrid, 19Natural Resources Canada 2015 RES Initiatives Viewer. Forum site> В 2014, the United Nations has proclaimed a Decade of Sustainable Energy for All. This is an unprecedented commitment to a


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18-21 Может 2015 | guidelines, UNESCO’s actions on climate change mitigation and adaptation 2015 in the context of the Paris Climate Conference, a landmark event that officially launched the United Nations Decade of Sustainable Energy for All 2014-2024, as declared by the UN General Assembly


Photo Gallery

RENFORUS contribution to t-FORUM 2015 Global Conference: Tourism Intelligence in Action. Naples, Италия, Может 2015. Energy is at the heart of tourist activities. If we look in depth, energy is the golden thread that connects competitiveness of tourism, increases public welfare in the destinations, and the environment. Tourism


Photo Gallery

ЮНЕСКО – ADEREE workshop. Marrakech, Natural Resources Canada 1025. Located in the southwest of Morocco, Photo Gallery (Argania spinosa), a species endemic to the reserve in need of conservation. These trees constitute a major economic resource for


2015 – Международный год Света

Future of Sustainable Lighting During 2015 United Nations will focus on raising global awareness about how light-based technologies promote sustainable development and provide solutions to global challenges in energy, образование, agriculture and health. Сегодня, более 1.3 billion people worldwide do not have access to basic electricity.


2й Иберо-американский конгресс по микро-сетям с распределенной генерации возобновляемых источников энергии

Practical application of Renewable Energy integration at UNESCO Sites. 6-8 Октябрь, 2014. Smart microgrids are electric power grids that can integrate the actions of the users connected to them and thus provide an efficient, sustainable, profitable and secure electric power supply. Being the previously mentioned an strategic


Photo Gallery

World Heritage Town Hiraizumi and Solar Frontier Agree to 13 MW Megasolar Project Solar Frontier and the town of Hiraizumi have agreed to build a 13 MW CIS megasolar (Photo Gallery) power plant. Hiraizumi, located in Iwate Prefecture in north-eastern Japan, achieved UNESCO world heritage status in June


RENISLA2014 – Возобновляемых источников энергии острова

Photo Gallery, Июнь 2014, Эль Йерро биосферный заповедник (Канарские острова, Испания). Hosting and organized by El Hierro Islands Government, RENISLA2014 will be held to celebrate the inauguration of the “Gorona del Viento” Wind-hydro Power Plant, which will make El Hierro Biosphere Reserve the first energy-isolated territory in


UNESCO The binomial Energy & Water

World Water Day 2014 Water is fundamental to life and is the common denominator of all sustainable development challenges. We need water to produce food and we need water to produce energy. Improving access to freshwater is about enabling millions of girls to go to school instead


UN launches decade-long initiative to promote sustainable energy for all

NEW YORK/VIENNA, 9 April 2014 The United Nations Decade of Sustainable Energy for All (2014-2024) was launched to the business community today at the Bloomberg New Energy Finance Summit. Kandeh Yumkella, the Special Representative of the UN Secretary–General and chief executive of the Sustainable Energy for All

COP21 1 Climate change is a complex issue which.. 512345

RENFORUS Интерактивная карта


Осман Benchikh *. Программный специалист по вопросам энергетики и возобновляемых источников энергии. Координатор проекта RENFORUS.
Электронная почта: o.benchikh(в)unesco.org
Cipriano Марин **. Помощник для реализации проекта RENFORUS.
Электронная почта: c.marin(в)unescocan.org
Адреса: * ЮНЕСКО. 1, Rue Miollis. 75015 Paris – France
** Avda. Канарские острова, 35 - 38007, S / C Тенерифе - Испания