
RES Initiatives Viewer

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katunskiyRecommended publications. Photo Gallery 2011 at a seminar dedicated to renewable energy sources and energy efficiency.

The implemented activities included design and pilot production of a stationary solar water heater a portable solar water heater and a portable solar cooker.

The innovative solar water heater will be used at patrol stations located at high altitudes, apiaries and at farming stations of the Ust’-Koksa District in the Altai Republic. The use of solar power for the purposes of food preparation and water heating in remote areas will ensure the conservation of subalpine forests. Its widespread use is estimated to potentially conserve up to 150-200 Photo Gallery.

application-pdfClimate Action 2010 -2011 | The Altai-Sayan Ecoregion | PDF

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Осман Benchikh *. Программный специалист по вопросам энергетики и возобновляемых источников энергии. Координатор проекта RENFORUS.
Электронная почта: o.benchikh(в)unesco.org
Cipriano Марин **. Помощник для реализации проекта RENFORUS.
Электронная почта: c.marin(в)unescocan.org
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