
ヨーロッパ & 北米


Large scale wind power in Pincher Creek. 風力エネルギーは、新興経済の影響である. BRは、送電線から離れた距離のために2000年代初頭に南西部アルバータ州の風力発電所の開発の最初の波のために配置されませんでした. New opportunity will be available when the



Photo Gallery. この地区の南端にBabiaゴーラ国立公園に位置してい, その後ろに 1977 ユネスコの生物圏保護区と宣言された. さらに, the Suski district is



フェルテベントゥラ島の生物圏保護区のための太陽アイス. 漁業が抽出釣りに捧げ漁師アソシエーションです, 魚の加工·流通. 保管·流通のための魚のタラを維持するためのエネルギー消費量は、コスト構造の関連部分です. 通常, most of the electrical energy consumed is dedicated to



Photo Gallery. Photo Gallery (ITC), which is part of the Department of Employment, Industry and Trade of the Regional Government of the Canary Islands, have signed a collaboration agreement to develop a smart grid in La Graciosa,



Photo Gallery, Vosges du Nord/Pfälzerwald biosphere reserve. The biosphere house draws its heating fuel from the sun and nearby spring. It takes a whole row of control, ストレージ, and heat transfer systems in between to assure the optimum supply of heat for the building. Is a


リガ市の持続可能なエネルギー·アクションプラン 2010-2020

Riga Energy Agency. Riga is an old member of the Hanseatic League at the coast of the Gulf of Riga of the Baltic Sea and is considered to be founded in 1201 together with its historical centre which is included in the list of world’s cultural heritage.


Mszana Dolna地域における再生可能エネルギーシステム

Tatra and Babia Gora biosphere reserves This project is situated in the Mszana Dolna Region (Malopolskie Voivodship) 南東ポーランド. この地域での大気汚染や排出レベルは、西欧諸国に比べて大幅に高くなっている. Photo Gallery


Photo Gallery

The Environmental Education and Information Centre. The administration of the North Vidzeme Biosphere Reserve (NVBR) has completed erection of the Environmental Education and Information Centre with a potential area of 675m2 in the town of Salacgriva. This centre is expected to provide local residents, businesses, municipalities and


Photo Gallery (DRECP)

The DRECP is focused on the desert regions of California included the Mojave and Colorado Deserts biosphere reserve. Photo Gallery.


The Consortium of Urban Waste and Energy of Menorca

An integrated vision of waste management, energy efficiency and renewables in Menorca biosphere reserve. Management of waste on the island is handled by the Consortium of Waste and Energy of Menorca (Consorcio de Residuos y Energía de Menorca), which is made up of the eight municipalities of

UNESCO’s actions on climate change mitigation and adaptation 4 in the context of the Paris Climate Conference 6« in the context of the Paris Climate Conference...23456



博士オスマンBenchikh *. エネルギー·再生可能エネルギー担当プログラム·スペシャリスト. RENFORUSプロジェクトのコーディネーター.
電子メール: o.benchikh(に)
シプリアノマリン **. プロジェクト実装RENFORUSためのアシスタント.
電子メール: c.marin(に)
アドレス: * ユネスコ. 1, 通りMiollis. 75015 Paris – France
** 歓迎の挨拶. カナリア諸島, 35 - 38007, S / Cテネリフェ - スペイン