

Photo Gallery, Vosges du Nord/Pfälzerwald biosphere reserve.

biospherehouseThe biosphere house draws its heating fuel from the sun and nearby spring. It takes a whole row of control, ストレージ, and heat transfer systems in between to assure the optimum supply of heat for the building.

Is a construction of heating systems based on regenerative energy (I.E. direct building heating with solar energy). The solar coverage of the annual heating energy amounts to > 88 %. When solarization is at its lowest and storage tanks are empty, a heat pump is used to provide supplementary heating. Climate control of the exhibition with environmental energy.

Biosphere house

© Biosphärenhaus Pfälzerwald / Nordvogesen

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博士オスマンBenchikh *. エネルギー·再生可能エネルギー担当プログラム·スペシャリスト. RENFORUSプロジェクトのコーディネーター.
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