Guía Básica de Sostenibilidad del Sector Minero de Canarias

The challenge

Elaboration of a guide that provides general criteria and recommendation of determinations for the efficiency of the management instruments, as far as the mining sector is concerned, improving the development and formulation of the sectorial policy. Said guide should include, according to the Guidelines for General Management of the Canaries:

1.- diagnosis of sustainability of the mining sector in the Canaries that includes an analysis focused on the resources of arid and ornamental rocks.

2.- List of criteria and recommendations, which serves as a basis for a future document of Guidelines for the Management of the Mining Sector in the Canary Islands, aimed at:

  • The efficient use of resources, and the minimization of environmental and territorial impact,
  • Intensify the replacement of the resource through the reuse of materials


Ministry of Employment, Industry and Commerce. Government of the Canary Islands


  • N/Auy

Related solutions

Ministry of Employment, Industry and Commerce. Government of the Sustainability Report of the Partial Territorial Plan of the Extractive Field 1, "Barrancos de Güimar.e Canarias

Project description.

The development of the work is structured in three documents, 1.- documentary information, graphic and direct knowledge of the sector.

2.- The diagnostic document, collects relevant information to provide a vision of the operating model of the extractive sector from a sustainable development approach, taking into account its four main aspects: mining resources, population and their activities of production, consumption And social relation, the nuclei with their means of communication and the legal and institutional framework that governs the sector.

3.- Document of criteria and recommendations. It contributes proposals of dispositions of generic scope (article 15 of DL 1/2000) attached to the different types of determinations.


Calle Cantuarias # 160, Oficina 1101
Miraflores, Lima, Perú
Calle Aguere 9, Local 11
38005 Santa Cruz de Tenerife España
Tel: (+51) 910 265 700
Phone: (34) 619 745 190