Key Ecotourism to Fight Poverty According to the UN.

Key Ecotourism to Fight Poverty According to the UN.

The General Assembly of the United Nations United Nations (UN) has adopted a landmark resolution under the title "Promotion of ecotourism for the eradication of poverty And environmental protection, "urging Member States to embrace policies that promote ecotourism, stressing their" positive effects on income generation, jobs y the education And, consequently, in the fight against hunger ".

The provision also recognizes that ecotourism creates conservationprotection and sustainable use of biological Diversity And natural areas, by encouraging the local and indigenous communities of the countries in which they are located and the tourists to preserve and respect the natural and cultural heritage.

The ruling is based on another 2010 United Nations determination on the same issue. And it reflects the progress made since then, such as the first inclusion of tourism in the final document of the Earth Summit Rio 20, Held in Brazil in June 2012, and the results of the XI Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity, Which took place in India in October 2012.

Fuente: ABC

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