Mapa de compatibilidad minero-ambiental y Directrices de ordenación minera en la Comunidad Autónoma de La Rioja

The challenge

The Mining Master Plan of the Autonomous Community of La Rioja (PLAMINCAR) aims to establish the mining policy of the Community. The PLAMINCAR is structured in a set of Axes of Intervention, among which is the one of MINING ORDENATION.

Within this axis, the realization of the Mining-Environmental Compatibility Map and the Mining Guidelines of La Rioja's main objective is to promote a sustainable mining development by harmonizing the economic approach of obtaining mining resources with the least possible environment.


Gobierno de La Rioja


  • N/A

Related solutions

Ministry of Employment, Industry and Commerce. Government of the Sustainability Report of the Partial Territorial Plan of the Extractive Field 1, "Barrancos de Güimar.e Canarias

Project description.

The technical assistance work has been developed in four phases:

PHASE 1. Compilation and analysis of basic information: work on mining and spatial planning developed in recent years. Analysis of the current situation of the mining sector. Analysis of the mining-environmental problem. Inventory of current legislation in the field of mining, environment and land use planning.

PHASE 2. Elaboration of the Map of Mining-Environmental Compatibility: Identification of those areas of the territory with greater extractive potential and less environmental and landscape fragility.

PHASE 3. Design of exploitation and restoration models: by combining criteria of maximum productivity, minimum visual and environmental impact, and better integration of restoration and safety.

PHASE 4. Mining Management Guidelines: A normative territorial planning instrument, which aims to lay the foundations and define the model of sustainable and balanced exploitation of mining resources.


Calle Cantuarias # 160, Oficina 1101
Miraflores, Lima, Perú
Calle Aguere 9, Local 11
38005 Santa Cruz de Tenerife España
Tel: (+51) 910 265 700
Phone: (34) 619 745 190