Ordenación Áreas Libres de Esparcimiento.

The challenge

Desarrollar un modelo digital que permitiese realizar análisis territoriales complejos para facilitar el ordenamiento territorial.


Excmo. Cabildo insular de Tenerife


  • ArcView

Related solutions

  • Sustainable tourism
  • Ecosmart.

Project description.

Assessment of the problematic of the current situation, with emphasis on the territorial, functional and environmental aspects.

Once these are defined, we move on to the definition phase of the management criteria for the dimensioning of the action needs in the insular basic network.

An evaluation of each of the alternatives of the network model is made through the elaboration of a multi-criteria matrix. The selected alternative is developed at the program level.



Calle Cantuarias # 160, Oficina 1101
Miraflores, Lima, Perú
Calle Aguere 9, Local 11
38005 Santa Cruz de Tenerife España
Tel: (+51) 910 265 700
Phone: (34) 619 745 190