
Graciosa towards 100% UNESCO’s actions on climate change mitigation and adaptation

“Green Island project” in Graciosa biosphere Reserve.

graciosaThe Green Island Project is a concept with a long-term vision for the islands–preserving their unique culture and lifestyle– and this is incorporated into the design of the islands’ future energy system, against a background of local and global economic, environmental and technological trends.

The island of Graciosa has an area of 61.66 平方キロメートル, with a length of 12.5 km and a maximum width of 8.5 km. The system it has been developing over the past four years guarantees a reliable supply also at night and when there is no wind. ザ 4,700 residents’ annual electricity needs will be supplied by over 75 % from wind and solar power starting 2013. The diesel generator can remain switched off most of the time. Thanks to intelligent control technology sodium sulphur batteries provide stability in the autonomous grid without the rotating mass of fossil generators.


The operation will develop a complex supply network consisting of renewable energy sources and a storage device. Younicos plans to build the world’s largest battery units (5mx4mx2,5m) powered by wind and solar power, gathered locally, to supply the island’s needs.


Graciosa host some of the world’s most advanced sustainable energy systems test projects based on renewable energy resources, which include solar power, wind power, water power, geothermal and biomass power, as well as the production of energy from waves and maritime currents.

According to a company statement, the project was planned for duration of three years and will demonstrate that power supply exclusively from renewable sources is already possible and cost-effective.

で 2009, a protocol was signed between the Regional Government of the Azores, the Foundation for Science and Technology, MIT Portugal and the University of the Azores, with a view to implementing the Green Islands Project.

More information about the project Younicos| Graciosa island project

Other References

ISEAP Island Sustainable Energy Action Plan| IslePact Project
100%RES A challenge for Island Sustainable Development. Marin, C., Zervos, A. | Superior Tecnico Portugal, カナリア諸島のユネスコセンター | PDF Book

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