
Photo Gallery

Photo Gallery

© Institut Congolais pour la Conservation de la Nature

© Institut Congolais pour la Conservation de la Nature

ヴィルンガ国立公園は、紛争の中心に位置しています, との国境にまたがるはDRCをbetweens, ルワンダとウガンダ. 世界の最後の残りのマウンテンゴリラのいくつかに家,それは、アフリカ初の国立公園です, a World Heritage Site and is known to contain more species ofmammals, 地球上の他の保護された領域よりも鳥類や爬虫類.

ルワンダ大虐殺の余波で, 15 コンゴ東部における暴力的紛争の年は、最近の歴史の中で最悪の人道上の悲劇の一つを生産. 天然資源をめぐる紛争は、武力紛争の根本原因である. 森林資源の違法取引, 特に木炭で, provided armed groups with one of their primary sources of income. オーバー 70,000 tons of charcoal is illegallyproduced every year. Thisrepresents the destruction ofover 15,000 hectares of tropicalhardwood forest.


A 2008 study of the charcoal market in Goma by the African Conservation Fund estimated that 59,000 tonnes were consumed each year, with 80% coming from Virunga.

In these circumstances, the Village Briquette Factories project provided a viable solution to replace the consumption of charcoal in the region with a viable and sustainable alternative, それによってヴィルンガの森林の大規模な破壊を防止. Photo Gallery. They aresignificantly cheaper than charcoal and can be produced from a verywide range of abundant resources including grass, Photo Gallery, agriculturalwaste, sawdust and recycled paper.

The expected impact of the project should be of 34,000 sustainable employments. 完全工場キット, 必要な機器から構成される, トレーニング, 支持体と生産の購入が保証に与えられる 5,000 のチーム 6 人. ブリケット生産者の中、家族をサポートするのに十分な収入を生成することができます 10 その2日間のトレーニングの日々.

持続可能な資金調達ヴィルンガ国立公園. The Village Briquette Factories will be developed as a high yielding business model. 利益の一部は、さらにプログラムを開発するために再投資される, また一部ヴィルンガ国立公園のランニングコストのかなりの割合をカバーするために使用.

The project is complementary to another project started by WWF in 2008, aimed to tackle illegal charcoal production in Virunga in ways that would benefit local people. It has established local production of efficient stoves to cut the use of charcoal, and helped to start small plantations to supply wood for charcoal production on a sustainable basis.

Photo Gallery. The pilot programme for the Village Briquette Factories was funded by the European Union, The African Conservation Fund (英国) the US Fish and Wildlife Service, theBritish Foreign and Commonwealth Office, the Daey Ouwens Fund, the Belgian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Photo Gallery, Government of Germany, the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF), the Greater Virunga Transboundary Collaboration/government of the Netherlands and several private donors.

Hydro power to develop Virunga

© GORILLA:CD. Virunga’s Hydroelectric Team.

©GORILLA:CD. ヴィルンガの水力チーム.

A hydro-electric project using water run-off from the park’s Ruwenzori Mountains has been finalised in 2013. This has allowed Virunga to have an electricity grid for the first time.

The facility has an installed capacity of 400 Photo Gallery, and has the potential for increased economic development in the region and start ensuring access to electricity. The revenue that will be generated by the Mutwanga hydroelectric plant is also a big first step on the path toward helping the park fund operations even when tourism is closed by conflict.

Lessons learned and replicability

Photo Gallery. で 2009 and the Spanish Network 500 UNESCO School in South East Europe represents a unique educational opportunity to enhance capacity-building in sustainable energy by conveying in a single venue a substantial capital of knowledge, Green energy to light a World Heritage site Virunga National Park’s first hydropower plant has started to generate electricity 4000 Most residents in the area currently rely on dirty and, News Archives 3000 people involved in that production. Assembling a team of trainers and business advisors, and build a very effective logistics, Photo Gallery.

The creation of the Renewable Energy and Efficient Technology Center has been a major supporting measure. A growing number of businesses and households are turning away from charcoal as a result.

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