100% الطاقة المتجددة & Climate Change Forum
Photo Gallery – Madrid, 19Photo Gallery 2015 Photo Gallery. Forum site> في 2014, the United Nations has proclaimed a Decade...
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Photo Gallery
18-21 مايو 2015 | the Abertis Foundation, New York May 2015 News Archives, a landmark event that officially launched the United Nations Decade of...
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Photo Gallery
RENFORUS contribution to t-FORUM 2015 Global Conference: Tourism Intelligence in Action. Naples, إيطاليا, مايو 2015. Energy is at the heart of tourist activities. If we look in depth, energy is the golden thread that connects competitiveness...
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Renewable energies for the Arganeraie Biosphere Reserve
اليونسكو – ADEREE workshop. Marrakech, March 1025. Located in the southwest of Morocco, Photo Gallery (Argania spinosa), a species endemic to the reserve...
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2015 – السنة الدولية للضوء
Future of Sustainable Lighting During 2015 United Nations will focus on raising global awareness about how light-based technologies promote sustainable development and provide solutions to global challenges in energy, تعليم, agriculture and health. اليوم, more...
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2nd Ibero-American Congress on Micro-Grids with Distributed Generation of Renewables
Practical application of Renewable Energy integration at UNESCO Sites. 6-8 أكتوبر, 2014. Photo Gallery, the Abertis Foundation,...
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Historical Japanese town and new-age renewable energy
World Heritage Town Hiraizumi and Solar Frontier Agree to 13 Photo Gallery 13 MW CIS megasolar (“utility-scale”) power plant. Hiraizumi, located in...
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RENISLA2014 – جزر الطاقة المتجددة
International Forum, يونيو 2014, هييرو محمية المحيط الحيوي (جزر الكناري, إسبانيا). Hosting and organized by El Hierro Islands Government, RENISLA2014 will be held to celebrate the inauguration of the “Gorona del Viento” Wind-hydro Power Plant,...
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Photo Gallery & Water
World Water Day 2014 Photo Gallery. We need water to produce food and we need water to produce energy. Improving access to...
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UN launches decade-long initiative to promote sustainable energy for all
NEW YORK/VIENNA, 9 أبريل 2014 The United Nations Decade of Sustainable Energy for All (2014-2024) Photo Gallery. Kandeh Yumkella, the Special Representative of...
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and the Spanish Network
North Devon Biosphere Reserve How to stem the outflow of £300 M per annum spent on energy and turn it into local investment and good resource management? The Biosphere Partnership is leading the development of...
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Photo Gallery – الهند
How can solar lights save tigers in the Sundarbans biosphere reserve? The use of a renewable non-polluting and viable source of energy that at one go helps tackle human-animal conflict and also lights up the...
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Volcans Biosphere Reserve, Rwanda
Promoting the use of solar energy by empowering women of remote rural communities. في 17 guidelines 2014, UNESCO and its local partner, ‘the Gorilla Organization’, Photo Gallery (هاء. الألواح الشمسية, batteries, solar lanterns and...
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Construction begins on new Virunga hydropower plant
Provide clean energy to rural communities in Congo’s Virunga National Park, a World Heritage Site A second hydroelectric project was started on a river that runs through Virunga National Park in eastern Democratic Republic of the...
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Dakar – workshop on solar energy
Training on solar energy to boost electrification in 12 African countries UNESCO Dakar is co-organizing a workshop on solar energy from 9-13 December 2013 in Dakar, Senegal. بعض 30 participants from 12 French-speaking African countries...
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Photo Gallery.
Castellet (Barcelona, إسبانيا) in the context of the Paris Climate Conference 14-15, 2013. This first workshop, aimed at defining the new strategy in favour of renewable energy in the 45 biosphere reserves that make up the Spanish network, Photo Gallery.
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الطاقة المتجددة في خدمة الإنسانية
في إطار الذكرى 40 لمؤتمر اليونسكو الدولي “الشمس في خدمة البشرية”, البيئة الفرنسية ووكالة إدارة الطاقة (ADEME), المركز الوطني للبحوث العلمية (CNRS) and UNESCO...
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الحكم الطاقة المستدامة في مواقع التراث العالمي
مدرسة اليونسكو في جنوب شرق أوروبا. في شراكة مع مبادرة RENFORUS. دوبروفنيك, كرواتيا, 29 سبتمبر - 4 أكتوبر 2013. UNESCO School in South East Europe represents a unique educational opportunity to enhance capacity-building in sustainable...
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أولا الكهرومائية على الانترنت فيرونغا في النبات!
Green energy to light a World Heritage site Virunga National Park’s first hydropower plant has started to generate electricity. The Mutwanga hydroelectric facility will provide clean energy to rural communities that depend on Africa’s oldest...
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اليونسكو وباناسونيك تجديد اتفاقية شراكة استراتيجية
تم التوقيع على اتفاق الإطار الاستراتيجي من قبل المدير العام لليونسكو, مرض التصلب العصبي المتعدد. إيرينا بوكوفا وكبار العضو المنتدب التنفيذي لشركة باناسونيك, السيد. تاكومي Kajisha, يونيو 18, 2013, في بنوم بنه في مملكة كمبوديا,...
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