
Photo Gallery & Water

World Water Day 2014

d61c82f28aPhoto Gallery. We need water to produce food and we need water to produce energy. Improving access to freshwater is about enabling millions of girls to go to school instead of walking kilometres to fetch water. It is about improving maternal health, curbing child mortality and preserving the environment.

We need to better understand the complex interactions between resources that are closely interlinked, such as water, food and energy. And we must acknowledge that it is impossible to manage these resources sustainably if we treat them in isolation. Each mode of energy production has implications for the quantity and quality of water available. Photo Gallery, for better and for worse. The World Water Development Report released today confirms, مثلا, that people who lack electricity are also those who lack water. This is no mere coincidence – water is required to produce energy, and energy is required to sanitize and convey water. Both are essential to human wellbeing and sustainable development…

Real more: UNESCO World Water Day 2014


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RENFORUS الخريطة التفاعلية


الدكتور عثمان Benchikh *. أخصائي برنامج المسؤول عن الطاقة والطاقة المتجددة. منسق المشروع RENFORUS.
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