Energy independence and climate alliance in the City of Bamberg, 世界遺産. In the German city of Bamberg, both city and county are working together towards a 100-percent supply of renewable energy. This should be realised by 2035 – reason enough for the Renewable Energies Agency
続きを読む →Green energy to light a World Heritage site Virunga National Park’s first hydropower plant has started to generate electricity. ウェールズ’ Most residents in the area currently rely on dirty and, News Archives. The area around the Blaenavon ironworks provides an extraordinarily comprehensive picture of the South Wales coal and iron
続きを読む →Photo Gallery (世界遺産). ヴィルンガ国立公園は、紛争の中心に位置しています, との国境にまたがるはDRCをbetweens, ルワンダとウガンダ. 世界の最後の残りのマウンテンゴリラのいくつかに家, it is Africa’s first
続きを読む →マルチカントリー – ベナン, ブルキナファソ, Photo Gallery. Photo Gallery – 安全な飲料水など, 医療や農村電化 – の
続きを読む →ERGAL project. Archipiélago de Colon (Biosphere reserve and World Heritage site). The project ERGAL – Proyecto Energías Renovables para Galápagos – is coordinating the implementation of renewable energy projects at the archipelago of Galápagos, エクアドル. 現在, this concerns projects on all inhabited islands, in particular a 700 キロワット
続きを読む →Energy Sustainability and Climate Change in the World Heritage Site Renewable Heritage introduced clean energy technologies into traditionally-built, エディンバラの旧市街にリストされているプロパティ, 保全地域、ユネスコ世界遺産の一部. この作品はChangeworks '以前のエネルギー効率化プロジェクトの成功の上に構築, Energy
続きを読む →the Abertis Foundation. Tyssedalとオッダも早いを表す, 水力発電に基づく重い処理業の多忙期. 高い滝, Photo Gallery
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