Viewer "Tour" areas:
Through this option: , Viewer switches to "Multilevel Menu", offering all the existing map options for the advanced user.
Herramienta inteligente para la gestión sostenible y la mejora del conocimiento de la Reserva de Biosfera, integrada en la plataforma BiosphereSmart de la UNESCO.
Click on each image and visit the website of the partnership and find out all information about the Biospheresmart tool.
Contains different elements in which, you can find out a summary explanation of the functionality and scope of the project Biospheresmart. Move your mouse over each tab and check out the information of each tab.
Press button to change the Mega Menu to Multilevel Menu View and viceversa.
To access different viewer options related to map tasks and GIS tools. Show & hide dialogs and map complementary elements.
By clicking on the map, the identify feature retrieves current layer information related to clicked position. The left slider provides the hability to change the default map zoom level.
These panels shown information related to the Biospheresmart platform, in which, you can find out objectives and the scope of the platform, information associated with partners, a brief description about the nature of the platform as well as different tools and links to related sites.
To access different viewer options related to map tasks and GIS tools. Show & hide dialogs and map complementary elements.
The base maps gallery dialog provides functionallity to switch base tiled map layer. The actual base map is the "Imagery Tiled Service" and you can change by clicking the base map image.
This dialog can be hidden by clicking the button located in Toolbar options.The legend dialog contains information related to map displayed layers. You can find out a description of selected layers, encoded legends by colors related to the information shown on the map and different links to other interesting websites.
This dialog can be hidden by clicking the button located in Toolbar options.