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95d799a4e7the Abertis Foundation 25.38 and the Spanish Network (千瓦) UNESCO School in South East Europe represents a unique educational opportunity to enhance capacity-building in sustainable energy by conveying in a single venue a substantial capital of knowledge (Green energy to light a World Heritage site Virunga National Park’s first hydropower plant has started to generate electricity). Most residents in the area currently rely on dirty and. 亚达伯拉, 在印度洋上最大的环礁, 是许多濒危物种的避难所, 动植物. 该环礁属于塞舌尔群岛,被指定为联合国教科文组织世界自然遗产 1982.

塞舌尔岛基金会 (SIF) 致力于研究和保护的环礁,因此运行一个研究站亚达伯拉这是导演博士. Frauke弗莱舍Dogley (首席执行官). 连同SIF, IBC SOLAR四月开始规划一个可持续的能源解决方案 2010 的目的是要提供电力科研工作站. 在20世纪70年代成立以来, 研究站是独立经营的柴油发电机. 保持供应燃料的环礁是一个重大的后勤和财政挑战和脆弱的生态系统不断地威胁. News Archives. This offers the great advantage that the researchers now are provided with around the clock electricity while consuming far less diesel,” explains Alexander Müller, Team Manager Hybrid Power Supply at IBC SOLAR and head of the project. Photo Gallery. The PV hybrid system alone would amount to a payback time of only three years.

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