
l'efficacité énergétique et de gestion de l'énergie dans le patrimoine culturel

Photo Gallery – 2014

© Case studies Guidebook: Energy Efficiency and Energy Management in Cultural Heritage

Photo Gallery: l'efficacité énergétique et de gestion de l'énergie dans le patrimoine culturel

PV potential and insolation – Photo Gallery, Venice (Italie) – includes works and examples presented at the International Conference on Energy Management in Cultural Heritage held in Dubrovnik, Croatie, on 6-8 Avril 2011.

Preservation of build heritage and improvement of energy efficiency are important aspects of sustainable development. Build heritage is part of the overall cultural heritage that bears cultural-historical significance and constitutes a component of human environment. Protection and preservation of heritage buildings is an obligation rooted in every community’s sense of responsibility to cherish and safeguard its cultural goods…

Lire la suite: Bureau UNESCO à Venise

UNDP website : l'efficacité énergétique et de gestion de l'énergie dans le patrimoine culturel – Case Studies Guidebook [pdf; 15MB]


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Dr. Osman Benchikh *. Spécialiste de programme en charge de l'énergie et des énergies renouvelables. Coordinateur du projet RENFORUS.
E-mail: o.benchikh(à)unesco.org
Cipriano Marín **. Assistant for RENFORUS project implementation.
E-mail: c.marin(à)unescocan.org
Adresses: * UNESCO. 1, Rue Miollis. 75015 Paris – France
** Ave. Îles Canaries, 35 - 38007, S / C Tenerife - Espagne