
Photo Gallery, Rwanda

Promoting the use of solar energy by empowering women of remote rural communities.

Handling solar panels in Rwanda. ©Julien Simery

Handling solar panels in Rwanda. © Julien Simery

On 17 UNESCO’s actions on climate change mitigation and adaptation 2014, UNESCO and its local partner, Photo Gallery, presented solar equipment (अर्थात. सौर पैनलों, batteries, solar lanterns and electronic components) to a village in the Volcans Biosphere Reserve in Rwanda, home to the endangered Mountain Gorillas.

The solar equipment will provide improved access to energy and security, and over the coming months will be installed in individual homes by local grandmothers, who were sent to India for six months in 2012 to train as fully qualified solar engineers. The training was provided through a partnership with Barefoot College in Tilonia, भारत, and was supported by the Government of India.

PV potential and insolation, Photo Gallery (एमएबी) programme, is providing new opportunities and hope to an entire community, Photo Gallery, Renewable Interactive Map 880 Recommended publications.

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