Towards a Model City in Sustainable Development
The Palawan Biosphere Reserve is a cluster of islands composed of one long main island and smaller groups of islands around it. 该 1,150,800 hectares of the biosphere reserve include the entire Province of Palawan Island, which is the westernmost province of the Philippines.
普林塞萨港, capital of the Palawan province, is also known worldwide thanks to the underground river flowing close by, where the Puerto-Princesa Subterranean River National Park was created. The park was included in UNESCO’s World Heritage List in 1999.
普林塞萨港是一个的multiawarded和先锋城市,在菲律宾的环保措施. ‘The City in a Forest’ is the designation that embraces the sustainable city strategy.
Solar and hydro power for a sustainable city
在6月 2010 the City of Puerto Princesa formed a technical partnership with Optimal Power Solutions (OPS) in order to address the city’s power shortage, 目前估计 5 对 10 兆瓦.
持续和显着的问题一直是提供可持续能源的普林塞萨港. 目前, 柴油动力发电机组提供了一种能力 30 普林塞萨港的居民兆瓦电力. OPS和市议会的计划,设计和实施可再生能源,以产生额外的电源, 减少柴油消耗,促进一个可行的和可持续的能源未来. 据设想,新的可再生能源的 10 兆瓦容量将被集成在连续的阶段. 这种可再生能源装机容量将优先出口的光伏发电并入电网,以更好地支持和更低的使用目前的柴油发电机. 一期工程 1 兆瓦容量2MW进展, 5兆瓦,终于 10 分子量为未来负荷增长的城市.
此外, the Palawan Electric Cooperative (PALECO), the City Government of Puerto Princesa and WEnergy Global PteLtd have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) for the development of a hybrid electric power plant (1.5 MWp) to cover electricity supply of the Baranguy Cabayugan.
Hydro power is also part of the city’s energy strategy. 双3.4MW水电涡轮机提供至少 32 million kWh of electricity to the Palawan grid. Hydropower will replace the old and expensive to run NPC generators.
普林塞萨港,城镇人口上升导致拥堵在城市的海湾地区, 威胁人民群众的生活质量和海岸储备区. 普林塞萨港的海岸上的房屋项目已通过增加自然光的设计,以减少能源需求, 改善通风, 屋顶材料的冷却效果和战略的至少一个果树每户种植.
潜在的节省每年的碳估计至少要 72 吨, 330 家庭. 其他住房项目的环保设施,包括安装雨水集水设施,减少抽水的需求, 禁止使用木屋顶和室内帧和适当的处理系统,非可回收和非生物降解材料.
The local government of Puerto Princesa has entered a partnership with the Institute for Climate and Sustainable Cities (国际公务员制度委员会), a non-governmental organization based in the Philippines working on “sustainable energy solutions and fair climate policy.” This partnership is under the Climate-Friendly Cities initiative of the iCSC, an initiative which combines waste management, 可持续再生能源发电和可持续的运输方案, climate-resilient city and community development.
目前, 普林塞萨港有电动吉普尼 (电子吉普尼) in the local government fleet and for private use, as well as electric tricycles (电子三轮车), 这是临时搭建的三轮汽车,摩托车. 通过资金由荷兰基础电子吉普尼的概念是由国际公务员制度委员会, DOEN. E-吉普尼中引入了普林塞萨港 2009, 与政治合作发挥了重要作用,制度化的电动汽车作为公共交通工具. The power requirements of the electric feedjeeps and tricycles will be partly covered by the Waste-To-Energy project, jointly developed with the Institute of Climate and Sustainable Cities.
Reducing tourism’s carbon footprint
Puerto Princesa is currently among the top 10 major tourist destinations in the Philippines, and is striving to be the country’s number one tourist destination for eco-tourism.
Puerto Princesa has extended the concept of energy sustainability to the tourism sector, one example being its participation in the SWITCH-Asia ‘Zero Carbon Resorts’ project that seeks to enable tourism SMEs, 如家酒店和度假村, 提供一个高效能源服务, 成本效益, 和无害环境的方式.
项目采用3R战略: 减少更换重新设计. 第一步是降低能耗,在酒店和度假村, 和第二步骤是取代低效化石为基础的装置,具有更好的, 环保技术. 在重新设计阶段, a showcase ‘Zero Carbon Cottage’ will be built in Palawan, 将使用太阳能- 和生物质能发电系统.
published by the United Nations Development Programme in Croatia with the support of the UNESCO Regional Bureau..
Consistent with the vision of an environmentally sustainable city, Puerto Princesa will take a lead role in promoting environmental stewardship building mutual support and cooperation with cities in the Asia-Pacific region.
The ‘City in the Forest’ becomes the stage for the future of energy supply in The Philippines by enabling the mix in energy to contribute to stable prices for consumers and the mitigation of global warming.