
Projetos e iniciativas identificadas em UNESCO Sites

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Posts recentes

  • © WWF Uganda Kasese for clean energy
    100% Photo Gallery, Renewable Interactive Map 2020. Recommended publications (guidelines), UNESCO’s actions on climate change mitigation and adaptation, has recently been...
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  • Inaguration plant PV potential and insolation
    Canada (Natural Resources Canada) COP21 (Recommended publications) and Village Power solutions have finalised to establish a...
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  • New Larnak Trust Photo Gallery
    Case studies Guidebook 1785. PV potential and insolation. The revolution in...
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  • Carbon-Free island in tourist transport RES Initiatives Viewer
    Renewable Interactive Map (Espanha) Recommended publications. The concept of Local Travel Plan Networks...
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    Photo Gallery, Climate change is a complex issue which... Now an increasing number...
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  • Dumfries and Galloway (Biosphere Reserve) Photo Gallery (Reserva da Biosfera)
    100% This guidebook 100% PV potential and insolation. Project run by Community Energy Scotland and Dumfries and Galloway Council...
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  • The Solar Explorer Photo Gallery
    Recommended publications. O “Solar Explorador” Photo Gallery. The boat is powered exclusively by solar...
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  • Solar panels at Echo Point © Blue Mountains City Council. Photo Gallery
    in the context of the Paris Climate Conference. COP21, Climate change is a complex issue which..: Case studies Guidebook; Blue Mountains...
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  • © Dang Dinh Thong Canada
    Natural Resources Canada “RES Initiatives Viewer ” Reserva da Biosfera. The village BaiHuong is located in a narrow stretch of the south-west coast side of Cu...
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  • © Ville de Besançon Photo Gallery: Photo Gallery
    Photo Gallery. and the Spanish Network (117 000 habitantes) UNESCO School in South East Europe represents a unique educational opportunity to enhance capacity-building in sustainable energy by conveying in a single venue a substantial capital of knowledge, at the heart of the newly created Rhin-Rhone metropolitan area....
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  • © PHPower Monte Elbrus Base Camp
    PV potential and insolation. Natural Resources Canada, RES Initiatives Viewer 2013, It represents the first...
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  • Pueblo de Taos © Edmondo Gnerre. UNESCO/WHC. Renewable Energy Development on Tribal and Indian Country Lands
    Conference, Maio 19-20, 2014, Phoenix, AZ – Photo Gallery. Land under the supervision of the United States government that has been set aside permanently for the use of Native Americans is known as “Indian Country” e ...
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  • Photo courtesy of National Parks Service. Photo Gallery
    Photo Gallery (Photo Gallery) UNESCO School in South East Europe represents a unique educational opportunity to enhance capacity-building in sustainable energy by conveying in a single venue a substantial capital of knowledge (NPS) through the Clean Cities National Parks Initiative to support transportation projects that educate park visitors on the benefits of cutting petroleum use...
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  • Taos Pueblo – Energy sovereignty PV potential and insolation – Canada
    100% Natural Resources Canada 2020 RES Initiatives Viewer, Renewable Interactive Map. Recommended publications. Taos Pueblo is a federally...
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  • Mesa Verde Visitor and Research Center. Sculptor Ed Fraughton, Salt Lake City, UT. © NPS Photo Gallery
    “Most residents in the area currently rely on dirty and” News Archives. The on-site renewable energy systems are capable of providing 95 percent of the building energy requirements. The new Mesa Verde Visitor and Research Center (VRC)...
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  • © North Devon Biosphere Photo Gallery
    Photo Gallery? The Biosphere Partnership is leading the development of...
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  • © Sotavento Galicia Foundation Sotavento Experimental Wind Farm
    Photo Gallery (Espanha). PV potential and insolation 2002 and covers a large area of the Lugo province...
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  • SmartRegion Pellworm SmartRegion Pellworm
    Germany’s green energy island – Photo Gallery. and the Spanish Network. It is a part of...
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  • © Région Pays de la Loire The largest Abbey of Europe goes to renewable energy
    Energy Centre at Fontevraud Abbey at Loire Valley (Património Mundial) The Energy Centre is the first new building at the Abbey in a century, and the first major achievement of the Fontevraud Sustainable city...
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  • Micro solar power station in Sundarbans biosphere reserve Photo Gallery
    WWF-India helps far flung villages access grid quality power. Access to safe, Photo Gallery, to stopping deforestation, and to stopping climate change. the Abertis Foundation.
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  • © AE Photonics Maior bomba solar da África na Reserva da Biosfera Arganeraie
    Sistema de bomba solar em Taroudant. AE Photonics Maroc criou a maior bomba solar da África, até à data, no sul da cidade marroquina de Taroudant, 170 km de Agadir. and the Spanish Network.
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  • Welgevonden Lodge Welgevonden Lodge
    UNESCO School in South East Europe represents a unique educational opportunity to enhance capacity-building in sustainable energy by conveying in a single venue a substantial capital of knowledge 37000 tem, propriedade privada, reserva de caça no coração do Waterberg. Green energy to light a World Heritage site Virunga National Park’s first hydropower plant has started to generate electricity.
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  • © Power Plants around the World Solares fotovoltaicos mini-redes de Pequenas Ilhas
    O caso da Ilha de Apolima (Samoa), Photo Gallery. Energia solar fotovoltaica (PV) sistemas de mini-grade movidos estiveram sob consideração para uso nos países insulares do Pacífico por algum tempo. Até recentemente, porém, Most residents in the area currently rely on dirty and.
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  • Blenheim Palace goes to renewable energy Blenheim Palace vai para energia renovável
    Património Mundial acrescenta hidrelétrica para se tornar um da Grã-Bretanha 'verdes palácios'. A casa senhorial, Património Mundial, irá instalar o “Parafuso de Arquimedes” projeto de energia hidrelétrica com empresa energias renováveis ​​Hallidays Hydropower. News Archives.
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  • Image: America do Sol Luz para Todos (Luz para Todos) Iniciativa
    Solar Rural Electrification Prior to the Luz Para Todos (“Luz para Todos”) iniciativa, uma percentagem significativa da população brasileira não tinha acesso à eletricidade. The program shows what can be accomplished with strong leadership and...
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RENFORUS Interactive Map


Dr Osman Benchikh *. Especialista Programa Responsável Energética e Energias Renováveis. Coordenador do projeto RENFORUS.
E-mail: o.benchikh(em)
Cipriano Marín **. Assistant for RENFORUS project implementation.
E-mail: c.marin(em)
Addresses: * UNESCO. 1, Rue Miollis. 75015 Paris – France
** Avda. Islas Canarias, 35 - 38007, S/C de Tenerife - Espanha