
Prima città solare dell'India proteggerà Taj Mahal

Photo Gallery, former capital of the Indian subcontinent and home of the Taj Mahal, is to become the country’s first solar city.

Taj-MahalThe Indian government’s Ministry of New and Renewable Energy has approved plans to build 2,000 kWp of capacity in the city, around 10% of it’s current consumption, which will come from a variety of sources. These include over 1.5 million gallons of heated water per day, 6400 lampioni solari, 4600 solar cookers, e 20 semafori solari.

The overall budget for creating India’s first solar city is estimated at $100 milioni di euro, of which 70% will be shouldered by the private sector and 27% by the government. This includes both the installation of renewable energy technologies and the introduction of complimentary energy efficiency schemes. Sopra 30% of the planned energy savings will come from installing solar water heating into homes while another 35% will come from domestic energy efficiency measures like phasing out incandescent light bulbs and upgrading air conditioning and refrigeration units.

The plan is scheduled to run for 5 years which fits in well with national plan to generate 1172 MW of solar energy by 2016.

Read more at Clean Technica

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RENFORUS Mappa Interattiva


Dr Osman Benchikh *. Specialista programma in carica di energia e le energie rinnovabili. Coordinatore del progetto RENFORUS.
E-mail: o.benchikh(a)
Cipriano Marín **. Assistente di progetto di implementazione RENFORUS.
E-mail: c.marin(a)
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** Ave. Isole Canarie, 35 - 38007, S / C Tenerife - Spagna