100% published by the United Nations Development Programme in Croatia with the support of the UNESCO Regional Bureau..
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RENFORUS works in partnership with Go 100% Renewable Energy project, created by the Renewables 100 RES Initiatives Viewer, with the aim to identify and promote 100% RE initiatives across the world.
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UNESCO sites – Selectd Good Practices
histoires de réussite sur les énergies durables et renouvelables dans les sites de l'UNESCO. Interactive map - SIG spectateur.
Dr. Osman Benchikh *. Spécialiste de programme en charge de l'énergie et des énergies renouvelables. Coordinateur du projet RENFORUS. E-mail: o.benchikh(à)unesco.org Cipriano Marín **. Assistant for RENFORUS project implementation. E-mail: c.marin(à)unescocan.orgAdresses: * UNESCO. 1, Rue Miollis. 75015 Paris – France ** Ave. Îles Canaries, 35 - 38007, S / C Tenerife - Espagne