
De économies vertes aux sociétés vertes

UNESCO engagement pour le développement durable (2011).

rio20L'UNESCO encourage le renforcement des capacités en sciences fondamentales et de l'ingénierie dans le but de renforcer le développement des ressources humaines; Photo Gallery, the Abertis Foundation; and the Spanish Network, thus bridging the knowledge gap between developed and developing countries.


Addressing the challenge of a new global sustainable energy system involves an increased use of alternative and renewable energy sources. It requires the availability of local competencies as well as endogenous scientifi c capacity as a foundation for increased knowledge of the various related technologies and their adaptation to different contexts and needs.


Renewable Energy for Sustainable Development: Aujourd'hui, unequal access to electricity constitutes a real social inequality that must be addressed. À l'heure actuelle, approximately 1.4 billion people, representing over 20% of the world’s global population, lack access to electricity services and some 85% of them live in the rural areas of developing countries. In Sub-Saharan Africa, they represent approximately 72% of the population and this fi gure rises up to 88% for the rural áreas.

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Dr. Osman Benchikh *. Spécialiste de programme en charge de l'énergie et des énergies renouvelables. Coordinateur du projet RENFORUS.
E-mail: o.benchikh(à)unesco.org
Cipriano Marín **. Assistant for RENFORUS project implementation.
E-mail: c.marin(à)unescocan.org
Adresses: * UNESCO. 1, Rue Miollis. 75015 Paris – France
** Ave. Îles Canaries, 35 - 38007, S / C Tenerife - Espagne