
Jordan Réserve de biosphère de Dana Kicks Out kérosène

bedouin-tent-560x299Il n'y aura pas plus puant le kérosène pour la tente bédouine solaire éclairée première fois en Jordanie. Gas and kerosene lanterns have been replaced with a far more sustainable resource at the Rumana campsite in the Dana Biosphere Reserve. Donated by the Czech embassy in Jordan, the four solar units that will harness the sun – a cleaner, renewable energy resource – comprise just one initiative that the embassy has undertaken to help protect the local cultural and ecological heritage.

With nearly half of the country’s flora species and home to the southernmost remaining forest of pencil pine, the Czech embassy sought to protect the Dana Biosphere while simultaneously empowering the local community.

Source: Green Prophet | Tafline Laylin

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Dr. Osman Benchikh *. Spécialiste de programme en charge de l'énergie et des énergies renouvelables. Coordinateur du projet RENFORUS.
E-mail: o.benchikh(à)unesco.org
Cipriano Marín **. Assistant for RENFORUS project implementation.
E-mail: c.marin(à)unescocan.org
Adresses: * UNESCO. 1, Rue Miollis. 75015 Paris – France
** Ave. Îles Canaries, 35 - 38007, S / C Tenerife - Espagne