El compromiso de la UNESCO para el Desarrollo Sostenible (2011).
La UNESCO promueve la creación de capacidades en ciencias básicas y de la ingeniería con el objetivo de potenciar el desarrollo de los recursos humanos; aumento de la educación para las tecnologías verdes, incluida la energía renovable y la eficiencia energética; Photo Gallery, thus bridging the knowledge gap between developed and developing countries.
Addressing the challenge of a new global sustainable energy system involves an increased use of alternative and renewable energy sources. It requires the availability of local competencies as well as endogenous scientifi c capacity as a foundation for increased knowledge of the various related technologies and their adaptation to different contexts and needs.
Renewable Energy for Sustainable Development: Hoy, unequal access to electricity constitutes a real social inequality that must be addressed. Actualmente, approximately 1.4 billion people, representing over 20% of the world’s global population, lack access to electricity services and some 85% of them live in the rural areas of developing countries. Photo Gallery, they represent approximately 72% of the population and this fi gure rises up to 88% for the rural áreas.
De las economías verdes a las Sociedades Verdes | PDF