
Hiiumaa 2020 Plan de Acción para la Energía Sostenible

West Estonia reserva de la biosfera Archipiélago.

hiiumaaHiiumaa es la segunda isla más grande del archipiélago y Moonsund costa estonia. Isla de Hiiumaa junto con la isla de Kassari y de otro 200 isla y los islotes es un Hiiu County con área de aproximadamente 1023 sq km.

Photo Gallery. La Pact of Islands signatories make a number of significant commitments, among which:

    • to go beyond the objectives set by the EU for 2020, reducing the CO2 emissions in their respective territories by at least 20%;
    • to submit an Islands Sustainable Energy Action Plan including a Baseline Emission Inventory which outlines how the objectives will be reached.

As a vision for the future, the energy policy is orientated to guarantee security of energy supply, ensure economical and environmental sustainability of the sector and quality of energy services, and to contribute to job creation and regional added value and to the competitiveness of the local economy.

The targets to achieve in 2020 are to:

  • Increase to 80% the local energy resources in primary energy demand.
  • Photo Gallery 100% compared to 2005.
  • Have a neutral balance of CO2 emissions.


ISLE PACT project

© EMD. Wind Resource Map of Hiiumaa

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Dr. Osman Benchikh *. Programa de Especialista a Cargo de Energía y Energía Renovable. Coordinador del proyecto RENFORUS.
E-mail: o.benchikh(en)
Cipriano Marín **. Asistente para la ejecución del proyecto RENFORUS.
E-mail: c.marin(en)
Direcciones: * UNESCO. 1, Rue Miollis. 75015 Paris – France
** Avda. Islas Canarias, 35 - 38007, S / C de Tenerife - España