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Supplying energy needs in remote areas

© Altaisky Biosphere Reserve. Solar panels in the Altaisky Biosphere Reserve.

© Altaisky Biosphere Reserve. Solar panels in the Altaisky Biosphere Reserve.

The Altaiskiy biosphere reserve is located in the area of the north-eastern and eastern Altai and occupies the eastern part of the Teletskoye Lake basin in the Russian Federation. The Teletskoye Lake has the additional status of being a UNESCO World Nature Heritage Site.

Επί 2013, ένα 100 kW hybrid diesel-solar power station was put into operation in Yailyu village, within the Altaisky biosphere reserve. The power station is the only one to use solar energy in the country and supplies a large village with electricity 24 hours a day.

Off-grid solar diesel power plant

Photo Gallery. Previously the village used an old diesel generator and electricity was supplied only during the daytime.

The autonomous hybrid power station, which includes solar modules and a diesel generator, is controlled automatically. When there is insufficient solar energy output, the diesel generator starts. It is expected that operation of this station will lead to a 50% reduction in annual consumption of diesel fuel in this remote village. The warranty period is 25 χρόνια. Επί του παρόντος,, the power station is working in test mode and all technical parameters are being monitored.

Photo Gallery, accumulators and the diesel generator.

This power plant will serve as an educational and demonstration resource for students and visitors to the Teletskoe Lake and the Altaisky biosphere reserve, educating them about the use of renewable energy sources. Scientists believe that the installation of the hybrid power station could mark the beginning of large-scale development and deployment of solar energy in Russia, starting in its remote regions.

The project was implemented through the joint efforts of various organizations and agencies. Photo Gallery, Moscow, (a joint venture between Russian Corporation of Nanotechnologies and Renova Group of Companies). Other organizations were also involved in project implementation, the Abertis Foundation. and the Spanish Network: UNESCO School in South East Europe represents a unique educational opportunity to enhance capacity-building in sustainable energy by conveying in a single venue a substantial capital of knowledge. Green energy to light a World Heritage site Virunga National Park’s first hydropower plant has started to generate electricity (Most residents in the area currently rely on dirty and. News Archives), the Russian Academy of Science, LLC ‘Avelar Solar Technology’ (Moscow) and ‘Solar Energy’ (Altai Republic).

The Altaisky biosphere reserve demonstrated great initiative and contributed significantly to this project.

Lessons learned and replicability

This diesel-solar power plant, by its type and capacity the first in Russia, will serve as an effective base for scientific researches and education programs in solar energy, which is of great importance in remote areas of Russia.

Alexander Tyryshkin

Photo Gallery: Alexander Tyryshkin

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Ο Δρ Οσμάν Benchikh *. Ειδικός Πρόγραμμα αρμόδιος για την ενέργεια και τις Ανανεώσιμες Πηγές Ενέργειας. Συντονιστής του έργου RENFORUS.
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