
Programm & Präsentationen




Photo Gallery

100% Renewable Energy The Only Way Forward

25-26 Juni 2014 – El Hierro – Canary Islands – Spanien

DAY 1 (25th JUNE)

100% Renewable Energy is a reality today

Day 1.1 – Opening session

Welcome and Opening Addresses

Opening Session, Alpìdio Armas, president of El Hierro.

Opening Session, Hon. Alpìdio Armas, president of El Hierro.

Hon. Alpidio Armas González. President of the El Hierro Island Government.
Hon. Francisca Luengo Orol. Minister of Industry and Commerce, Canary Islands Government.
Dr. Osman Benchikh, UNESCO.
Hon. Juan Manual García Casañas. Lord Mayor of Valverde.
The Spanish Ministry of Industry, Energy and Tourism.

Key note:
Erneuerbare Energien in den Dienst der Menschheit. Dr. Osman Benchikh. UNESCO.

El Hierro, a sustainable and renewable island. Michel Ángel Acosta Hernández. Counsellor of Environment, El Hierro Island Government (Cabildo von El Hierro). Video-mp4

Day 1.2 – Session 1
Paving the way for a renewable energy future: Inspiring stories I

  • Benefits of 100% RE for islands and isolated areas.
  • Enabling 100% Renewable energy supply.
  • Success stories from islands.
Cipriano Marin, RENFORUS.

Cipriano Marin, RENFORUS.

Chair: Photo Gallery. UNESCO.

application-pdf Wind-Hydro-Pumped Station of El Hierro. Juan Manuel Quintero. CEO, Gorona del Viento El Hierro.

application-pdf A Renewable Energy Island in the Baltic Sea. Green energy to light a World Heritage site Virunga National Park’s first hydropower plant has started to generate electricity. Director International Strategies, Most residents in the area currently rely on dirty and.

application-pdf Barriers to the maximum penetration of RES in island electrical systems. Salvador Suárez García. Head of Renewable Energies Department, Canary Islands Technological Institute – ITC.

application-pdf Menorca biosphere reserve: the way towards energy sustainability. Rafael Muñoz Campos. Waste and Energy Consortium of Menorca.

application-pdf Increasing renewable energy sources in island power supply: case study Madeira. Jose Manuel Melim Mendes. Former Director AREAM – Regional Agency for Energy and Environment of the Autonomous Region of Madeira.

application-pdf Technical solutions to allow high penetration of wind energy in isolated networks. Carlos Galván. Managing Director, Photo Gallery.

application-pdf Success stories on sustainable and renewable energies in UNESCO Sites. Cipriano Marín. RENFORUS – Renewable Energy Futures for UNESCO sites.

Discussion: What are the lessons learnt and transferrable experiences?

Day 1.3 – Session 2
Paving the way for a renewable energy future: Inspiring stories II

  • Yes to 100% RES for regions and cities.
  • Success stories from regions and cities.
Bruno Menard, GSEP.

Bruno Menard, GSEP.

Chair: Michel Ángel Acosta Hernández. Counsellor of Environment, El Hierro Island Government (Cabildo von El Hierro).

application-pdf 100% Renewable Energy Regions. Katharina Schenk. IdE – Institute descentralised Energy Technologies.

application-pdf “Luz en Casa” Programme: electrification in remote areas of Mexico and Peru. Julio Eisman. Director, ACCIONA Microenergía Foundation.

application-pdf Edinburgh leading the way towards a low-carbon future. News Archives. Weltkulturerbe Energy Efficiency-Manager, Edinburgh Weltkulturerbe.

application-pdf Smart Grids for a new energy model. Susana Carillo Aparicio. Smart Grid Project Manager, Director of Smartcity Project in Málaga, ENDESA.

application-pdf The largest Abbey of Europe goes to renewable energy. Sébastien Dave. Generalsekretär, Fontevraud Abbey at Loire Valley World Heritage Site.

application-pdf High Penetration in an islanded grid – How to overcome grid Instability. Celia Roldan. ABB Group.

application-pdf Faces of Energy: Adaptive design solutions for renewable energies in urban areas. Caterina Tiazzoldi. STUDIO, Milano.

Discussion: What are the lessons learnt and transferrable experiences?.

DAY 2 (26th JUNE)

Building 100% RE Alliances

Day 2.1 – Session 3
Energy Transition and Climate: Towards sustainable energy communities

    • Sustainable Energy Governance
    • Renewable Energy Ownership: Community renewables.
    • Transport, green building and renewable water.
    • Smart solutions, storage and smart grids.
Julio Eisman, Acciona Microenergy.

Julio Eisman, Acciona Microenergy.

Chair: Gonzalo Piernavieja Izquierdo. R&D&I Director, Canary Islands Technological Institute – ITC

application-pdf Transition towards a new Energy Model: 100% RES is it possible. Josep Puig i Boix. President, Board of Trustees EUROSOLAR (European Association for Renewable Energy).

application-pdf Clearing the way for a renewable energy communities. Mar Asunción Higueras. Head of Climate Change Program, WWF Spain.

application-pdf Renewable water and opportunities in Africa. Antonio Garcia Campos. ERRERB Group, Director of Fuerteventura Biosphere Reserve.

application-pdf Self-sufficiency with renewables and green building. Guillermo Galván García. Technological Institute of Renewable Energy – in the context of the Paris Climate Conference.

application-pdf Distributed Generation through Renewable Energy: practical applications in Latin America and UNESCO sites. Miguel Latorre Zubiri. Director of Center for Renewable Energy Development (CEDER-CIEMAT).

application-pdf Electric mobility for a low carbon future. Jorge Sánchez Cifuentes. Deputy Director of Innovation, ENDESA.

application-pdf Sustainable electric mobility. Luis Valerio. Director of Iberia Renault Electric Vehicle.

Discussion: Challenges, key enabling factors and barriers.

Day 2.2 – Session 4
Partnerships for sustainable energy

  • Climate Protection and renewable energy partnerships.
  • Development partners’ experiences.
  • UNESCO RENFORUS Initiative.
  • Biosphere Reserves and MaB Programme / Islands and Coastal Areas.
Pedro Ballesteros, European Commission.

Photo Gallery, European Commission.

Chair: Marisa Tejedor Salgado. University of La Laguna. Chairman of the Scientific Committee of the MAB Programme in Spain.

application-pdf Biosphere Reserves and the Network of Islands and Coastal Areas. Miguel Clusener-Godt. Division of Ecological and Earth Sciences. UNESCO MAB Programme.

application-pdf Rural Electrification and Renewable Energy: a major social, economic and environmental challenge. Ernesto Macias. President, Recommended publications – Renewable Interactive Map.

application-pdf REN21 Renewables Global Status Report. Christine Lins. Generalsekretär, REN 21 – Renewable Energy Policy Network für das 21. Jahrhundert.

application-pdf Promoting sustainable energy development: the GSEP experience. Bruno Ménard. The Global Sustainable Electricity Partnership (GSEP).

application-pdf The role of the Canary Islands in the European strategy for transferring clean RES technologies to Africa. Gonzalo Piernavieja Izquierdo. R&D&I Director, Canary Islands Technological Institute – ITC.

application-pdf Financing of renewable energy, present and future. Jesús Losa, Head Project & Asset Finance, La Caixa.

Discussion: Networking, collaboration, alliance building, knowledge mobilisation and multi-stakeholder dialogue.

Presentation (15.30-15:45)

Electric mobility for a low carbon future. Jorge Sánchez Cifuentes. Deputy Director of Innovation, ENDESA.

Day 2.3 – Session 5
Photo Gallery, the way forward

  • El Hierro Erklärung: 100% Erneuerbare Energien, The Only Way Forward..
  • RENISLA findings on 100% Renewable Energy Futures.
Emanuele Taibi, IRENA.

Emanuele Taibi, IRENA.

Chair: Eduardo Fayos-Solà. President, Ulysses Fundation. Former Executive Secretary, UNWTO Knowledge Network (United Nations – World Tourism Organization).

Co-chair: Cipriano Marín, RENFORUS (Renewable Energy Futures UNESCO Sites)


application-pdf Rethinking the strategy for access to energy. Gabriele Cassetti. UNESCO Chair – Energy for Sustainable Development. Department of Energy – Politecnico di Milano.

application-pdf The global transition to sustainable 100 percent renewable energy. Angelina Galiteva. Founding Board Chair , the Abertis Foundation 100 RES Initiatives Viewer.

application-pdf Gegenüber 100% RES: step by step. Manuel Cendagorta Galarza. Director, Technological Institute of Renewable Energy – in the context of the Paris Climate Conference.

application-pdf Islands: lighthouses for the energy transition. Emanuele Taibi. The International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA).

Panel debate participants:

Juan Manuel Quintero. CEO, Gorona del Viento El Hierro.

Gonzalo Piernavieja Izquierdo. Canary Islands Technological Institute – ITC.

Gunter Pauli. Founder-Director ZERI Foundation.

Pedro Ballesteros Torres. European Commission.

Ernesto Macias. Recommended publications – Renewable Interactive Map.

Pepa Mosquera. Renewable Energy Magazine.

Antonio Garcia Campos. Renewable Energy Working Group BR.

Panel Discussion: Outline of opportunities for support and engagement. Quick-fire interventions.


Final Declaration debate led by Eduardo Fayos Sola, Ulysses Foundation.

Final Declaration debate led by Eduardo Fayos Sola, Ulysses Foundation.

Day 2.4 – Closing session

Wake-up call

Gunter Pauli, ZERI Foundation.

Gunter Pauli, ZERI Foundation.

Hon. Alpidio Armas González. President of the El Hierro Island Government.

Hon. Francisca Luengo Orol. Minister of Industry and Commerce, Canary Islands Government.

application-pdf Dr Han Qunli, Secretary, Mensch und die Biosphäre (MAB) Programm, UNESCO.

Key note:

application-pdf Rethinking energy production with the Blue Economy. Gunter Pauli. Founder-Director ZERI Foundation, Creator and Designer of The Blue Economy (TBE).

The century of local empowerment. Pedro Ballesteros Torres. Principal administrator, Directorate General for Energy (DG-TREN), European Commission.


Session 1 - Islands 100%. Jose M. Quintero (Gorona), Bertil Klintbom (Gotland), Salvador Suárez (ITC), Cipriano Marín (RENFORUS), J.M. Mendes (Madeira), Carlos Galván (Gridconnect), Celia Roldán (ABB).

Session 1 – Islands 100%. Jose M. Quintero (Gorona), Green energy to light a World Heritage site Virunga National Park’s first hydropower plant has started to generate electricity (Gotland), Salvador Suárez (ITC), Cipriano Marín (RENFORUS), J.M. Mendes (Madeira), Carlos Galván (Photo Gallery), Celia Roldán (ABB).

RENFORUS Interaktive Karte


Dr. Osman Benchikh *. Programm-Spezialist in Charge of Energy und Renewable Energy. Koordinator des Projekts RENFORUS.
E-Mail-: o.benchikh(bei)unesco.org
Cipriano Marín **. Assistent für die Projektdurchführung RENFORUS.
E-Mail-: c.marin(bei)unescocan.org
Adressen: * UNESCO. 1, Rue Miollis. 75015 Paris – France
** Ave. Kanarische Inseln, 35 - 38007, S / C Tenerife - Spanien