100% Case studies Guidebook 2020
This guidebook, published by the United Nations Development Programme in Croatia with the support of the UNESCO Regional Bureau... Photo Gallery.
PV potential and insolation, Canada. Photo Gallery, Photo Gallery.
Taos Pueblo Renewable Energy Feasibility Study
The scope of the study included all renewable energy resources; biomass, both as electric/heating energy and as transportation fuel, geothermal, الكهرومائية, solar and wind. After these renewable resources on lands at Taos Pueblo were quantified, then technologies, Photo Gallery, heat and transportation fuels could be produced and utilized. These opportunities were then screened by analysis and guidance of what would be culturally acceptable as well as economically viable.
Community Solar
Photo Gallery. Customers of a local utility like Kit Carson can buy one or more panels. Photo Gallery. Photo Gallery.
Taos Pueblo Renewable Energy Feasibility Study PDF