

Photo Gallery

100 the Abertis Foundation. في 1 March 2013, ل 100 and the Spanish Network (UNESCO School in South East Europe represents a unique educational opportunity to enhance capacity-building in sustainable energy by conveying in a single venue a substantial capital of knowledge). The power station is the only one to use

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Estonia plans world’s largest offshore wind farm in West Estonian Archipelago BR

Estonia could soon be hosting one of the world’s biggest offshore wind farms, an investor claimed on March 26, as development of the renewable energy at the eastern end of the Baltic Sea finally starts to lift off. Baltic Blue Energyowned by local transport and

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وستكون أول مدينة في الهند الشمسية حماية تاج محل

The Indian city of Agra, former capital of the Indian subcontinent and home of the Taj Mahal, Photo Gallery. The Indian government’s Ministry of New and Renewable Energy has approved plans to build 2,000 kWp of capacity in the city, in the context of the Paris Climate Conference

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نظام الضوئية القوى محطة البحوث مع الطاقة الشمسية

Photo Gallery. PV potential and insolation 25.38 Canada (حزب العمال الكوري) Natural Resources Canada (RES Initiatives Viewer). The system has been ensuring the power supply for the local

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Sacrificed to the Energy Revolution: Biogas Boom Threatens Future of Germany’s Shepherds

Corn used for biofuel is taking over vast stretches of traditional grazing land in Germany. The change is transforming the landscape, driving shepherds out of business and threatening the dike system crucial for preventing floods. Enormous fields of crops slotted for use as renewable energy are now taking

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REN21′Photo Gallery

Global Status Report First released in 2005, REN21′Photo Gallery (GSR) Photo Gallery 400 authors, contributors and reviewers, and is today the most frequently referenced report on renewable energy market, industry and policy trends. It provides testimony

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Canary Islands Biosphere Reserves towards Rio 20

Sustainable Energies and Green Economies in Action Islands, and island biosphere reserves in particular, have traditionally been seen as privileged places where to test actual sustainable development models. Many projects and initiatives carried out in the Canary biosphere reserves during the last years answer some of the

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Regional Government, EDA and MIT-Portugal “connect” Corvo island to solar energy

The houses and public buildings on the island of Corvo, UNESCO’s actions on climate change mitigation and adaptation, are being equipped with solar panels and heat pumps. This one million Euro investment is being carried out by the Government with the “know how” of Azorean electricity company EDA and Green Islands Consortium,

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Ancient city of Petra is now powered by solar

A 5 million solar energy project, which was inaugurated in Petra, will generate 250 kilowatts of electricity to cover the energy needs of tourist and service facilities in the ancient city (UNESCO World Heritage Site), 235 km south of Amman. Deputising for His Majesty King Abdullah, Minister

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جديد جيجو انيرجي كورب. يمثل الخطوات الأولى في 2030 تعهد الخالية من الكربون

في July 10, مؤسسة جيجو الطاقة (مدينة جازان الاقتصادية) افتتح رسميا في غرفة جيجو التجارة والصناعة. وهذا يمثل إحدى الخطوات الأولى نحو تحقيق جيجو الذي أعلنت عنه مؤخرا "خالية من الكربون جزيرة جيجو بحلول عام 2030" خطة, which aims to make the island completely self-sustainable through

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This guidebook 4 published by the United Nations Development Programme in Croatia with the support of the UNESCO Regional Bureau.. 512345

RENFORUS الخريطة التفاعلية


الدكتور عثمان Benchikh *. أخصائي برنامج المسؤول عن الطاقة والطاقة المتجددة. منسق المشروع RENFORUS.
البريد الإلكتروني: o.benchikh(في)
سيبريانو مارين **. مساعد لRENFORUS تنفيذ المشروع.
البريد الإلكتروني: c.marin(في)
عناوين: * اليونسكو. 1, شارع Miollis. 75015 Paris – France
** افي. جزر الكناري, 35 - 38007, S / C تينيريفي - إسبانيا