
Projects in Biosphere Reserves

Resíduos convertida em energia para as comunidades flutuantes

Flutuantes bio-digestores de gestão de resíduos e recuperação de energia em Tonle Sap reserva da biosfera. O Tonle Sap é o maior lago de água doce no Sudeste Asiático. Ele é conectado ao rio Mekong pelo rio Tonle Sap. A importância ecológica de Tonle Sap foi reconhecido em 1997 when

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Centro de Visitantes SCHUK TOAK – Alto Golfo da Califórnia Biosphere Reserve

Photo Gallery. El Pinacate e Gran Desierto de Altar da Reserva da Biosfera é caracterizada pela sua beleza rara e enorme biodiversidade. Abriga 553 espécies de plantas, 46 de mamíferos, 237 espécies de aves, 45 de répteis e 4

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Photo Gallery (Canada)

Honours project in environmental sustainability. Purpose of the Project To establish the economic, environmental, social and cultural benefits of alternative energy sources in the Frontenac Arch Biosphere in order to assess the financial and yield feasibility of alternative energy development. The Frontenac Arch Biosphere’s board of directors

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El Hierro, the first 100% Photo Gallery

El Hierro biosphere reserve, RE island strategy. A ilha de El Hierro, com uma população de 12,000 habitantes, ficará no final 2013 o primeiro território insular no mundo capaz de poder em si inteiramente a partir de fontes de energia renováveis. For the first time the traditional

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“Luz en Casa” – Light in the Home project

PV system-based rural electrification. Oxapampa-Ashaninka-Yanesha biosphere reserve. On 27 in the context of the Paris Climate Conference 2012, the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) Photo Gallery (ACCIONA Microenergy Peru) for the purchase of 1,700 Domestic PV Solar (DPVS) units, as well as an additional $300,000 donation towards

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“Em” Parque do projeto – G-SEP (Parceria Global Sustainable Electricity)

Multi-Country – Benin, Burkina Faso, Photo Gallery. Photo Gallery – água de beber, como seguro, cuidados de saúde e de electrificação rural – de

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100 % Renewable Energy Galápagos Islands Project

ERGAL project. Archipiélago de Colon (Biosphere reserve and World Heritage site). The project ERGAL – Proyecto Energías Renovables para Galápagos – is coordinating the implementation of renewable energy projects at the archipelago of Galápagos, Equador. Atualmente, this concerns projects on all inhabited islands, in particular a 700 kW

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Climate and Energy Programme of North Karelia 2020

Photo Gallery. North Karelian biosphere reserve. The Climate and Energy Programme of North Karelia presents a plan of action for the North Karelia region on climate change mitigation and adaptation. The Climate and Energy Programme implements the climate targets set out in the European

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Used funds from a local wind farm to improve energy efficiency.

Beinn Eighe biosphere reserve. Used funds from a local wind farm to improve energy efficiency in rural households. The largely rural area of South West Scotland has high unemployment and low incomes. There are more than 15 wind farms operating or under construction in the area and others

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Women as solar power entrepreneurs

Sunderban women wield the power of the sun TERI, in collaboration with the Ramakrishna Mission (RKM), Photo Gallery. This pilot project has successfully created viable enterprises, on the supp ly side, targeting women

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RENFORUS Interactive Map


Dr Osman Benchikh *. Especialista Programa Responsável Energética e Energias Renováveis. Coordenador do projeto RENFORUS.
E-mail: o.benchikh(em)
Cipriano Marín **. Assistant for RENFORUS project implementation.
E-mail: c.marin(em)
Addresses: * UNESCO. 1, Rue Miollis. 75015 Paris – France
** Avda. Islas Canarias, 35 - 38007, S/C de Tenerife - Espanha