Canada. Natural Resources Canada, RES Initiatives Viewer. Renewable Interactive Map, Photo Gallery
Leia mais →Energy independence and climate alliance in the City of Bamberg, Património Mundial. In the German city of Bamberg, both city and county are working together towards a 100-percent supply of renewable energy. This should be realised by 2035 – reason enough for the Renewable Energies Agency
Leia mais →West Estonian Archipelago biosphere reserve. Saaremaa – literally Land of Islands – is the second biggest island in the Baltic Sea with an area of 2668 km². At the same time Saaremaa is the biggest island of the Republic of Estonia. Saaremaa has joined the International agreement
Leia mais →“Green Island project” in Graciosa biosphere Reserve. Photo Gallery, against a background of local and global economic,
Leia mais →Photo Gallery. Em 2009, the Sequoia Natural History Association (SNHA) and the National Park Service joined forces to begin the installation of a solar power generation system at Crystal Cave making tours and operations available by power from the sun. With funding provided by a grants
Leia mais →Blaenavon Industrial Landscape World Heritage Site. País de Gales’ national coal mining museum is looking to a clean future with its solar panel installation, Photo Gallery. The area around the Blaenavon ironworks provides an extraordinarily comprehensive picture of the South Wales coal and iron
Leia mais →Photo Gallery & Gâtinais The equine industry is a major industry in Seine-et-Marne, que abrigam mais de 8,000 equinos produtores de alguns 72,000 tons of manure. Este estrume é traditionnally usado na cultura de cogumelos, mas a recente deslocalização destas culturas, rose question on
Leia mais →100% energia a partir de fontes de energia renováveis e 100% oferta regional de energia. Com a declaração do parque biosfera os habitantes da "Walsertal" contribuiu para proteger o vale "Grosses Walsertal" através da aplicação de um desenvolvimento sustentável e ecologicamente compatível. Assim, Photo Gallery
Leia mais →Honours project in environmental sustainability. Purpose of the Project To establish the economic, environmental, social and cultural benefits of alternative energy sources in the Frontenac Arch Biosphere in order to assess the financial and yield feasibility of alternative energy development. The Frontenac Arch Biosphere’s board of directors
Leia mais →El Hierro biosphere reserve, RE island strategy. A ilha de El Hierro, com uma população de 12,000 habitantes, ficará no final 2013 o primeiro território insular no mundo capaz de poder em si inteiramente a partir de fontes de energia renováveis. For the first time the traditional
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