
Europa & América do Norte

Parques eólicos em reserva da biosfera Waterton

Photo Gallery. A energia eólica é uma influência econômica emergente. A BR não estava posicionado para a primeira onda de desenvolvimento de parques eólicos no sudoeste de Alberta, no início dos anos 2000, devido à distância de linhas de transmissão. New opportunity will be available when the

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Programa de Energia Renovável, no distrito Suski

Photo Gallery. No extremo sul do distrito encontra-se o Parque Nacional de Babia Gora, que volta 1977 foi declarado Reserva da Biosfera pela UNESCO. Além disso, the Suski district is

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Projeto Peixe Verde

Ice solar para Fuerteventura reserva da biosfera. Pescas são pescadores associações dedicadas à pesca extrativa, processamento de pescado e distribuição. O consumo de energia para manter o bacalhau para o armazenamento e distribuição é uma parte relevante da sua estrutura de custos. Geralmente, most of the electrical energy consumed is dedicated to

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Photo Gallery

Sustainable energy project in Lanzarote biosphere reserve. Endesa and the Canary Islands Technological Institute (ITC), which is part of the Department of Employment, Industry and Trade of the Regional Government of the Canary Islands, have signed a collaboration agreement to develop a smart grid in La Graciosa,

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Biosphere house in Fischbach

Visitors center in Fischbach, Vosges du Nord/Pfälzerwald biosphere reserve. The biosphere house draws its heating fuel from the sun and nearby spring. It takes a whole row of control, armazenamento, and heat transfer systems in between to assure the optimum supply of heat for the building. Is a

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Photo Gallery 2010-2020

Riga Energy Agency. Riga is an old member of the Hanseatic League at the coast of the Gulf of Riga of the Baltic Sea and is considered to be founded in 1201 together with its historical centre which is included in the list of world’s cultural heritage.

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Sistemas de energias renováveis ​​na Região Dolna Mszana

Photo Gallery (Malopolskie Voivodship) no sudeste da Polônia. A poluição do ar e níveis de emissões na região são substancialmente mais elevados do que em países da Europa Ocidental. The participating communes are located close to UNESCO World

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Photo Gallery

The Environmental Education and Information Centre. The administration of the North Vidzeme Biosphere Reserve (NVBR) has completed erection of the Environmental Education and Information Centre with a potential area of 675m2 in the town of Salacgriva. This centre is expected to provide local residents, businesses, municipalities and

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The Desert Renewable Energy Conservation Plan (DRECP)

The DRECP is focused on the desert regions of California included the Mojave and Colorado Deserts biosphere reserve. Photo Gallery.

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The Consortium of Urban Waste and Energy of Menorca

An integrated vision of waste management, energy efficiency and renewables in Menorca biosphere reserve. Management of waste on the island is handled by the Consortium of Waste and Energy of Menorca (Consorcio de Residuos y Energía de Menorca), which is made up of the eight municipalities of

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guidelines 4 UNESCO’s actions on climate change mitigation and adaptation 6« Primera...23456

RENFORUS Interactive Map


Dr Osman Benchikh *. Especialista Programa Responsável Energética e Energias Renováveis. Coordenador do projeto RENFORUS.
E-mail: o.benchikh(em)
Cipriano Marín **. Assistant for RENFORUS project implementation.
E-mail: c.marin(em)
Addresses: * UNESCO. 1, Rue Miollis. 75015 Paris – France
** Avda. Islas Canarias, 35 - 38007, S/C de Tenerife - Espanha